Hi there!
I've seen your previous forum posts and was always interested but too shy/worried to post. You have great covers and I see how busy your forum posts get. Thank you for offering to put in so much work for so many writers on this site. Since you're open to requests currently, I'd like to try requesting a cover for my latest novel.
Do let me know if I'm missing anything or if you need any further info. Thank you.
TITLE: Queen of the Castaway Isle
SUBTITLE: Do not want one
GENRE: Horror/Thriller/Drama- much later romance
SYNOPSIS: You can easily read what I put on the synopsis under the link so I'll try my best to explain what it's about. It's another second chance/time travel/apocalypse style story set on a tropical island.
Two airplanes crash land on a strange uninhabited island in the Pacific with nearly 300 people. The MC, Sophie, survives years of torture, abuse and overall just running and trying to survive in the wilds as people turned into savage warlord like figures, very similar to that of a small scale apocalypse. The lack of human society, laws, and supplies along with the dangers of the wild jungle brings out the worst in people over time. 8 years later when rescue finally comes less than 30 make it out alive. But she comes out traumatized like a war veteran and more than a little insane.
Though messed up, she slowly recovers with years of therapy and healthy healing. Still, she can never forgive herself, or anyone, over the brutal death of her siblings. She's the only one bitterly haunted as other survivors go on to become rich, famous and resume their lives like they never raped/murdered/cannibalized or any of their other inhumane crimes on the island. One day, 5 years after her rescue, 13 years after first landing on the island she wakes up back in time.
Her siblings are still alive and she vows to save them this time as well as take revenge against those who wronged her. This time she manages to save people who weren't meant to live, builds a better survival colony as a cover, and plots her bloody revenge while trying to survive in this natural terrain while the past still haunts her in odd but helpful ways. (some cheat powers, when she figures it out that is)
IDEAS: I don't mind if there's people on the cover or not, up to you. If you wish to use a person I would prefer my MC who is a deceptively petite Chinese-American girl of 21, as of the start of the novel/post time travel, currently with chopped short hair but that could change.
I would like for there to be something that hints of or looks like a tropical jungle or island. My own cover is a rush job I made that ended up looking like a gardening catalog or a cheap vintage paperback edition of Lord of the Flies but I do like the idea of darkness/past/dream + the leafy jungle. I'm open to new ideas/styles of course.
LINK : https://www.webnovel.com/book/14926175406224405/Queen-of-the-Castaway-Isle