Helena_Seryma Have you ever read a chapter of your own story and saw an error and you just wanna edit it right away?
Cause I've done that so many times when I tried writing 2300+ words daily. Damn those four weeks sucked hard.
Helena_Seryma Have you ever read a chapter of your own story and saw an error and you just wanna edit it right away?
Cause I've done that so many times when I tried writing 2300+ words daily. Damn those four weeks sucked hard.
ChuYang Lol, that's the story of my life. I'm doing NanoWrimo right now and I need to write as clean as possible. I don't want my readers to read typos and grammar. I can't help it... I edit my chapters right away. But some times I can't else I'll go to sleep at 1 am and need to wake up early the next day to got o work
yaoyueyi i honestly understand you ms author but you can't blame if we ask for more we're just simply humans like you that commit mistake and forgot to be contented ... i my self truly adore your work and wanting to more and more and doesn't want to stop as i start reading if possible. . But from the bottom of my heart thank you and I'm sorry i was too demanding. . God bless and more updates hahaha
Grimreaperkiller Nah, I think Yao Yue Yi and other authors don't mind if you ask for more chapters.
They are more annoyed by entitled readers who make unreasonable demands and actually threaten writers, such as "MASS RELEASE OR I WILL DROP" or "why are updates so slow??? author stop being lazy!!! other novels are updating twice daily, but you don't even update daily!!!!" or "I like the story but 1 star for updates, it's so slow that I'm going to drop".
So unless you're harassing writers, threatening and insulting them for not doing mass release, I think it's fine. A simple "I hope you do mass release!" is okay. A "if you don't mass release, I will drop your story!" is not.
Just wanna pop in and give my two cents about the matter.
Coming from a background of writing on other sites (like wattpad and quotev)
can I just say that I'm both impressed and weary over the magnitude of updating on this site? I think it's quite amazing that everyone's pushing for like 1000 words daily or even more.
and the fact that apparently updating more than once per-day is also common is also baffling
maybe it's because things are more professional/stricter on here than other sites, but I just wanna say good on everyone for doing these things. And I have to sympathize more towards the writers because accomplishing that many words per day is quite a feat compared to what I'm used to.
you could imagine my surprise when I see people's standards for books having 100 or even 200+ chapters before they read it.
I agree with what people said so far on the forum and I guess I'll just reiterate it
Please give writers the breathing space to do their work and if you want to show support, mayhaps phrase it differently besides the usual "UPDATES NOW OR ELSE".
And writers, honestly take a break if you can.
yo solo copio y pego hasta que me canso; si me tratan mal borro lo que subi y avandono la pagina.... es simple
Tomoyuki estimado te doy la razon por eso yo no cobro nada al final y al cabo solo copio y pego lo que encuentro y me gustaria conpartir eso si ponendo las paginas donde encuentro la informacion.....
jose_angel I don't speak Spanish, so I have no idea what you just said. Lo siento.
Welp I set a schedule and decided to ditch it. Gonna publish 30 chpts day 1. And afterwards update 1 daily from my stockpiled chpts. So I have time to continue working, so I can finish the peice before hand. Would that be a good amount for reader to enjoy on day-view or should I release less chpts for day 1.
I am a new author but I also understand, I have started a book and it took me 2 weeks to write the first chapter. I love to read other creations too and I love to challenge myself.
I do recommend readers to not expect 4 chapters a day because many can't do even do 2. Please be mindful that some writers may have school homework, paperwork, jobs, school, exams and personal problems so you can't expect that much writing a π»πΈπ you may ask for (personally but I think many will agree) maybe 4 chapters 2 weeks or 1 week.
But Readers and writers, Would you rather ready 10 sloppy and terribly written chapters, or 1 beautiful, creative and emotive chapter?
Quality πππΈπ Quantity
aw :( stickied days were good days while they lasted
Yikes, this was a huge thread!
As a fun reference for what amount of words is doable in a day I present https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Novel_Writing_Month
While the article does indeed have some issues I've seen NaNoWriMo discussed actively since my days at another writers' site during the early 2000s. So we're basically talking about an annual event where you go totally bonkers in terms of output. Going bonkers defined as 50k words written during the month of November.
Now that insanity still falls far below the suggested 2.5 words a day I've seen in this thread but it still classifies as an insanity event you do for shits and giggles as an author. And, it's one month per year -- arguably one month on top of whatever you normally write during the year.
Personally I'm currently able to crank out less than 2k a week, which in terms of traditional publishing still would equal a novel a year, admittedly a shorter one. Well, I have a family and a full time job these days. When I had more time for writing I hit maybe 1k a day, minus days spent for editing, so maybe 4k a week in terms of new raws. That was enough to pump out two full length novels in two years (of pretty questionable quality), and that was a lot for me.
So why doesn't normal authors pump out 2k+ a day 365 days a year? Well, because normal authors want to create readable text, without glaring plot holes, with a contained story that's actually headed somewhere, and a story that somewhat complies with the Freytag pyramid.
Sure, I don't any longer. Slice of life is fun to write, but maybe less fun to read. There's a laid back continuity in writing something that reads like Emmerdale Farm, but it sure as hell doesn't work well with high drama or action.
So, if you want to read a story with a clear beginning, middle and end, presented with a huge payoff prior to the denounment where all loose ends are tied off, please don't expect more than maybe 100k words a year.
Signing off for now // Sten
Being a Exuberant explorer, a few weeks ago I tried writing some stories on my laptop and found it really difficult to write atleast a single chapter a day (with 2k to 3k words)...I even spent some long nights writing the chapter forgetting the fact that I had to attend my school early in the morning the next day... Had a really terrible experience(no offense please XD) in being an author...My whole lifestyle was up and down and later understood it wasn't my cup of tea...Even though before being an author I never asked my authors to mass release or next chapter please etc, I used to find it horrible when some people used to treat the authors or harass them with their words, not only this I even saw some people saying things like "Dont try this book.... Such a waste of time etc etc." I used to feel bad but ignored them as I didn't have much interest in author's personal life rather had more in their stories... But now I understand their plight, it wasn't easy for a girl like me still studying at school, think about all those authors who write even when they are sick, even when they have personal issues, family to take care, work, part times jobs, studies etc etc... Now I really have a great respect to all those authors specially those who update regularly wether it may be just 50 or so words... So my request to all other fellow readers, rather than asking for more or harassing or threatening your authors, just thank them by gifting, voting, reviewing and commenting with respectful words... IF YOU CAN'T DO THIS THAN JUST BE A SILENT READER it's more than enough for these most Hard working people...
A famous Novelist said(who idk) :
"A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people. " KEEP THESE WORDS IN MIND AND PLACING YOURSELF IN THEIR PLACES BEFORE HURTING THEM....
Tomoyuki I guess I should clarify... I understand that this is not a full time job. I also understand Family/work pressures. I also have a great deal of respect for the translators.
However IT is actually only a few books I am frustrated with. The book I was originally talking about Maybe gets a chapter a week. Meaning It usually doesn't.
Before it went premium it was 2 releases a week which was fine. Then there was no mass release before going premium and then after going premium I was lucky to get a release a week there were frequent weeks with no release.
If it was 1 a week fine but it wasn't even that. That becomes frustrating.