I can't collect the tka cards I've missed all since it's stated to release.. Why

You mean you want to recollect the missing cards or you cannot collect the card at all since the beginning of the event until now, making you miss all of it?

    Is there a bug when you also try to recollect missed cards? I can’t recollect mine :(

      Not sure if it'll work for you guys, try rapidly clicking on it.

      (After clicking on it like 10x fast, it appeared for some users.)

        I also can't collect now, been refreshing my feeds since 12am to collect cards but the drawer said no messeges available

          moonstarhaven same, all of the messages dissappeared, and won't reappeare no matter how many times i reload

            Myranda_ I can collect it but I had to click on the button few times for it to be collected. I noticed many people have the same problem regarding the card event

            Clicking multiple times worked for the first card.. but having problems with the second card 😢

            Anyone found the solution to this?

              Force close the app and try again on a stable internet connection, wifi if possible.

                Uh.., where the page to claim card now?, its not showing up on my app

                  6 days later

                  Where I could see my collection of cards in the past?

                    Just got the card badge, why won't it change to it?

                      Ok so I just got it, I clicked on the card that I needed (Day 12) then I clicked somewhere in the middle/left of the page (it looks like there is page active underneath the frozen page on top); there must have been some prompt to accept the SS payment on the active page underneath the frozen page (I accomplished this all on my computer not my phone). Good luck everyone!

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