
  • Dec 6, 2019
  • Joined Mar 29, 2018
  • Tomoyuki uh, no. I think i use some wrong choice of word again.
    I don't say that female lead novel equal rape
    What i trying to say is most(lot of them, not all of them)female novel ini recent day is use the formula of CEO,cheating and rape

    Sorry if i annoy you again

    • Tomoyuki ah then i even feel more sorry. I am sorry that i accuse you, with my poor choice of word. I don't know that its hurt you.

      Sorry that i also assume(again) the gender of your friend

      • I believe that Mr liliny and Mr tomoyuki don't mean any real harm in the banter of world with me, wich i respond with some comment that not quite right, so my guest here is that they just cant stand a guy who write in tatered english, unlike they who can write all of his point in proper english.
        So, i appologise if i bothering you all

        • Lilliny ok
          Thank you for trying to make it clear for me and sorry if my choice of word annoy you

          "I am annoyed that a bunch of guys, are telling girls, that they can't be popular because they're girls"

          But they not tell them just because they are girl right? I mean its true that most of high ranked female lead novel is about the "r"thing right? Or i wrong again?

          • Ok, then i am not native speaker, not like you all who born and learn English since begining.

            if thats make you feel more smarter and better than me then ok, i accept it.

            Try to kick me down? Ok alright, if thats make you feel better than the rest of the man than you can do it.

            But i am who ganged up and kicked by both side ia aparently the villain and the two who kick me down ia the Hero?

            • Tomoyuki
              "I'm just pissed off by a bunch of misogynistic dudes running around claiming that male lead novels will disappear"

              Ok then, On the beginning when you start calling the other at male female novel thing, wich i replied about addresing most female novel with the "r" thing.
              Then the problem start in the last paragfaph right?, while i assume you to not ok with male lead "r" and i assume that its ok for you while in female lead thing(since you keep saying all the mysoginist thing and try to tell how other man is narrow minded is, i cant help but assume). So i who bring the"r"thing. I not shove it to you nor lie about it, basicly i try to ask "so u are ok with only devending 1 side(female mc with most "r" novel) while bashing the othe male (male MC)?, Then that meaning you okay while "r" hapen on the female lead, but not on the male lead one?"

              • Lilliny
                Ah, i see you choose to playing dumb and not try to understand....

                You will make a good lawyer sir

                • Lilliny eh, done already, hmm you dont last long..., Its bit disapointing from my side

                  • Tomoyuki who put lie on your mouth Mr sensitive? Care to explain wich part you considered i put at your mouth, it is long big and lenghty one?

                    • Tomoyuki this...

                      You didn't say it, i am the one who adrresed your bias when discusing so caled "rape". You don't bother to talk about it on female novel nowdays, and go as far to say that you dont read those type of novel at female lead. You only picking & attacking "rpe" subject at male lead novel. We can argue about it later.
                      You are clearly the one that over reacting, you just don't admint itu dont'cha cause on your mind you are the RIGHT one and the other is WRONG.
                      "Everyone hasil right to like whatever they like" then why you force the other to like or accept your view about male or female lead thing on the first place?and don't accept other? Oh i see..., because you are RIGHT right...

                      • Lilliny wow another great "counter argument", i appreciate it

                        Its weeping that the other word for crying good sir, not ranting. You are have quite knowledge at that subjet right? Or your degree at writing mean nothing?

                        Ah, so you sick at the other people opinion wich is different than you? don't want to listen to it? But on the other hand you say the other is selfish eh? Somebody need to look at the mirror real quick.

                        Well, its not your problem sir. nobody blame you for not give a shit about my rant (you seem not like the word "us" so i will not use that anymore). Its start to be your problem when you start pick it out of no where and beat it with your intelegent counter argument.

                        I am not mad at anyone, i don't even mad at you and the other who make "counter argument" to my rant.
                        So you twisted the meaning from rant of mine to fit your own view? And start demonizing me by say that i mad at bunch of girls who i don't event know who? why not apply a job as lawyer sir?they will hire you with high price.

                        No, i don't care whoever at top. I not have authority to change that?true, not my problem tho. Don't make that as your problem to, it will make you tired for nothing.

                        Yes, my rant will do nothing. Your argument will also doing nothing to. Well, at least your argument make me realise that there is someone as "intelegent" as you at the world. Your argument meaning a thing then.

                        • Cantiara nice point

                          Yes popularities ia not always equal quality, thank you for reminding me about that.

                          No, its not that we try to decided for the other about what is they must read. I just as helpless as the other about that. From that helplesness rise a frustation. But since There nothing can change that then all we can do is rant, for our self.

                          That why i and the other rant at the forum. Then the other "intelegent and morally high people" start think that we try to force our own view at them, we just want to rant for sake of god, so that not be one demon at our heart. No need to refute that with your counter argument that as BS as our rant.

                          And they try to condemned us for what we said without see the content, what a funny move.

                          • Lilliny well sorry if you take my rant as me being crybaby. Your understanding skill is not to good i see. But thats doesn't mater, every mankind is always have some flaw at them. unlike the other, i try to understand as much as i can about different genre. That include the type of novel that i said above. that proses require me to read that type of novel even if i don't like them and not just ignore them like what simple human being like you do.
                            What i find is that the type of novel above is not worth (at least for me), yet the people(most of them is female, and some pu-sy male) still support it while use double standart (about rape is bad, but bad male is more attractive than nice male,etc)
                            Its bothering me.

                            And when the other male say about what they want about novel, they treated as egoist, mysoginies, as beast and being punished by both side. Trully bothering me.

                            • Tomoyuki wow such long essay

                              Actually i don't have problem about male/female lead novel as long the storyline not that generic. You say that male lead novel is to generic?yes mybe. The real problem is nowday female lead novel is MORE GENERIC THAN THE MALE LEAD ONE, MORE GENERIC THAN EVER. And they all in TOP 20~30 POWER RANGKING!!!. I not complain because the female MC, what i complain is that they don't deserve that position in the power ranking, because story' wise they don't worth it.

                              Most is just revolving around a bastardized Ceo who rape a random narrow minded female wich hapen to be MC, dump em, regret that, sudenly change 180 degre, and THE FEMALE MC DUMBLY BELIEVE THAT PIECE OF SHIT CEO IS CHANGE, AND FORGIVE THAT PIECE OF SHIT WHO RAPE THEM, AND FALL IN LOVE WITH THE RAPIST CEO, WTF. And why the female MC forgive them you ask? 10/10 its because the so called CEO is handsome-have hot body-big dicked-last long in bed-deep pocket male human being, thats it. No matter how Bastard they are, doesn't mater how many time they cheat, the female lead WILL always forgive them.

                              You can change the CEO with another ocupation or whatever, but the rest of the plot ia always the same:

                              Male rape/forced their love to the female mc>female mc reluctantly accept it>male cheat>male remember how female mc is better>male change>male beg forgiveness>female forgive them>then repeat to part that male cheat part again till the female forgiveness part.

                              The other type of female novel is about:
                              "I am woman and i am stronk, male will not born from my wmb, i don't need a puny male cause i am independent, Oh but i still need a dck tho, thats why we create yaoi shit"

                              And you say that you hate rape in male lead novel while adore that in female lead novel one. While spouting the nonsense about "rape is bad, i hate rape, i love female, i am at their side, i hate other male while i mayself is a male". Wawaweewa, what a double standard view you have.

                              • Uh.., where the page to claim card now?, its not showing up on my app

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