I actually don't care much about the pen name actually, but this could actually be 'helpful'. xD

I wonder what the third part would be about.

Third parts gonna be about plots. Ya already know.


    To be honest, I'm a little disappointed you didn't. I'd love to read a story written by "A Rusty Trombone In Outer Space". XD

      Clowniac now i'm hoping my username is nowhere near that... it took me a long time to find an elegant sounding name like this :cry:

        ._. does author name matter that much? look at mine?

        am non-chinese, non-english, some asian person.

        they tell me that it sounds german. I don't think readers care about author's name/// they barely look at it. they just want more chapters. Even I can't remember the authors of all the novels I read.

          @Clowniac My goodness this is something I wanted to do for new authors looking for mentor or guide on WN as a 2020 project. I see you did it on forums. Would u like a collab?

            I've been using this pen name since am in Sophomore (almost 2 decades ago). Times, when the cellphone is not yet smartphones and my town, has no internet but ordinary SMS.

            I never thought I'll write internationally but only writing in a notebook and hid them somewhere in my bookshelves. I am no Chinese or English author. Just Asian. But I am writing all the sort of genre, not only CEO (just the title though) but also fantasy and horror. So I began wondering now if my pen name is fitted to that war and horror-thriller novel of mine. Well, it's fun though, to open a discussion like this. 😉


              Aren't there numerous occasions where an author have different pen-names depending on genre? (I'm talking multi genre authors here)


                Aren't there numerous occasions where an author have different pen-names depending on genre? (I'm talking multi genre authors here)

                  My username is my gamertag from 2 decades ago. Back when I was a bit chunibyou.

                    Clowniac okay, but like-- that's actually kind of a cute name in chinese :joy: 星海中的破长号-- but that would directly translate to a broken trombone amongst a sea of stars.
                    the main reason for why authors have names like this is b/c they often are poetry/sound pretty in chinese, but the english translations just make it clunky.

                    and I kind of followed your guidelines w/ the just use a chinese name if you're chinese. that is why I am bowing in shame ;u;


                      I'll never even try Chinese names. Since I have a fledgling understanding of Japan I respect the multitude of ways I'm able to make an arse out of myself. Trying my hands at a culture totally alien to me seems like a bad idea ;)

                        StenDuring I feel like it's the case of if you put in effort/research, it's okay to make mistakes w/ a certain culture/language, but when you're not, it becomes a little annoying haha. b/c some of mistakes I see people making w/ asian cultures are things that could be corrected w/ even the most basic of research-- like writing a story set in ancient china, yet having them celebrate christmas.... which is just..... no

                        so basically, trying to understand a foreign culture is actually pretty appreciated (at least w/ me), as long as enough research is done. :)

                          This advice is the reason why a lot of people(readers, authors and family members) ask me why i chose 'TheBlips' as my pen name when i write a romance novel. :) My pen name always makes them think that I am not serious about writing. XD

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