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You need to copy and paste these two parts and make it into an actual webnovel itself. No, seriously go do it!
You need to copy and paste these two parts and make it into an actual webnovel itself. No, seriously go do it!
You know, I've been considering doing just that. I think I will.
Third parts gonna be about plots. Ya already know.
._. does author name matter that much? look at mine?
am non-chinese, non-english, some asian person.
they tell me that it sounds german. I don't think readers care about author's name/// they barely look at it. they just want more chapters. Even I can't remember the authors of all the novels I read.
thats the joke... :smirk:
Lilliny haha ok
@Clowniac My goodness this is something I wanted to do for new authors looking for mentor or guide on WN as a 2020 project. I see you did it on forums. Would u like a collab?
I've been using this pen name since am in Sophomore (almost 2 decades ago). Times, when the cellphone is not yet smartphones and my town, has no internet but ordinary SMS.
I never thought I'll write internationally but only writing in a notebook and hid them somewhere in my bookshelves. I am no Chinese or English author. Just Asian. But I am writing all the sort of genre, not only CEO (just the title though) but also fantasy and horror. So I began wondering now if my pen name is fitted to that war and horror-thriller novel of mine. Well, it's fun though, to open a discussion like this.
Aren't there numerous occasions where an author have different pen-names depending on genre? (I'm talking multi genre authors here)
Aren't there numerous occasions where an author have different pen-names depending on genre? (I'm talking multi genre authors here)
Guilty as charged.
My username is my gamertag from 2 decades ago. Back when I was a bit chunibyou.
Clowniac okay, but like-- that's actually kind of a cute name in chinese :joy: 星海中的破长号-- but that would directly translate to a broken trombone amongst a sea of stars.
the main reason for why authors have names like this is b/c they often are poetry/sound pretty in chinese, but the english translations just make it clunky.
and I kind of followed your guidelines w/ the just use a chinese name if you're chinese. that is why I am bowing in shame ;u;
I'll never even try Chinese names. Since I have a fledgling understanding of Japan I respect the multitude of ways I'm able to make an arse out of myself. Trying my hands at a culture totally alien to me seems like a bad idea ;)
StenDuring I feel like it's the case of if you put in effort/research, it's okay to make mistakes w/ a certain culture/language, but when you're not, it becomes a little annoying haha. b/c some of mistakes I see people making w/ asian cultures are things that could be corrected w/ even the most basic of research-- like writing a story set in ancient china, yet having them celebrate christmas.... which is just..... no
so basically, trying to understand a foreign culture is actually pretty appreciated (at least w/ me), as long as enough research is done. :)
This advice is the reason why a lot of people(readers, authors and family members) ask me why i chose 'TheBlips' as my pen name when i write a romance novel. :) My pen name always makes them think that I am not serious about writing. XD