fictiophiliastruck hi I have a question.... Sometimes the name says Wei zhiqian sometimes gui zhiqian which one is correct? And there is a character Wei wucai who is this zhiqian's cousin. What's their actual surname?
Dawnesque Novels: The Seven Gentlemen Series
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Raws and translations say Wei Wucai so I am sure that is his name. As for the Gui/Wei, so far there are no more mentions of the Gui family except in the translation of Two Faced Husband so I like to believe that the Gui was meant to be Wei. But I cannot speak/read Chinese so its either a mistranslation, or a mistake on the author's end.
But I believe the Gui is Wei. Lol.
fictiophiliastruck thank you.
fictiophiliastruck thank you for the information. So is this Wei wucai the same family as Wei ziqi? Or another family?
mrskh part of the wei, i think
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WangXian291 raw links for book three:
fictiophiliastruck thank you :-)
Hello, since many are asking, I'll just post the links here lol
fictiophiliastruck Here are the links for the raws. Hope this helps!:
Sishen 1(Chief Executive's Fugitive Wife):
Sishen 2(Wife, Come Home with Me):
Sishen 3(Husband, Stay Away):
Sishen 4(My Awkward Husband aka Wei Ziqi and Wei Ran's Story):
Seven Gentlemen Raws:
Two Faced Husband, Have Some Decency:
The President is Being Shameless Again:
七公子③面瘫老公,早上好 (Chu Zhaoyang's story, currently untranslated) :
The Long Awaited Mr. Han:
男神投喂指南 (Zhao Gushen's story, currently ongoing and untranslated):
fictiophiliastruck Eight Great Families: Superpowers XD
The young masters of these families have some special "ability", but not exactly magical or fantasy-like. These are their abilities, and will get edited once I get ahold of more information.
Wei Ziqi: Photographic Memory
Qi Chengzhi: Photographic Memory (info from Wei Ziqi's story)
Yan Beicheng: Night Vision (this makes me laugh for some reason XD)
Chu Zhaoyang: Photographic Memory, Human Calculator (info from a reader, and wow do i wish his math abilities lol)
Han Zhouli: Walking Lie Detector XD
Zhao Gusheng : none so far, but I think its the same with Han Zhouli lol
fictiophiliastruck Also can you clarify the names of the Wei family. In some of the stories there is a Wei Ziqian (Yan Beicheng story) and a Wei Ziqi (Qi Chengzhi story). Are they the same person? Which one is the master of the Wei family? Which one is married to Wei Ran? And how are they related to Wei Zilin? Are they brothers or cousins?
MummyMumh Wei Ziqian and Wei Ziqi are different persons. Wei Ziqi is the master of the house and is the one married to Wei Ran. I dont know how is he related to Wei Ziqian, but I think he may be his cousin or sibling. (Sibling might be close though)
I’m reading Chu Chaoyang story now. Geez, I think one of the requirements to become a member of the great families is have thick skin and being shameless is hereditary
fictiophiliastruck so are Wei Ziqi and Wei Zilin brothers? Wei Zilin is consistently referred to as the Wei family 2nd young master. In a recent chapter of Yan Beicheng’s story, Wei Wucai referred to Wei Ziqian as “much older, still continuing his bachelor ways” and that the Wei old lady was concerned about Ziqian and Wucai getting married. So maybe this pair are siblings? And Ziqi and Zilin and brothers?
Typos in translations of names are so confusing!
fictiophiliastruck so are Wei Ziqi and Wei Zilin brothers? Wei Zilin is consistently referred to as the Wei family 2nd young master. In a recent chapter of Yan Beicheng’s story, Wei Wucai referred to Wei Ziqian as “much older, still continuing his bachelor ways” and that the Wei old lady was concerned about Ziqian and Wucai getting married. So maybe this pair are siblings? And Ziqi and Zilin and brothers?
Typos in translations of names are so confusing!
Wei Ziq, Wei Zilin, Wei Ziqian are brothers from Wei family (may not be siblings, can be cousins too). Gui Zhiqian is another person who is from Gui family, which is one among the Eight Great Families. He is mentioned in "Two faced husband".
If wanna see that Wei Ziqi and Wei Wucai are the same family, must read the chinese character. Normally chinese character can be same pronounce and same to write in english words, but actually have different meaning and different chinese character.
For example: cheng - 城,承,成。 The 3 characters read same as cheng, but have different words and meaning
Hope this one can help.
If wanna see that Wei Ziqi and Wei Wucai are the same family, must read the chinese character. Normally chinese character can be same pronounce and same to write in english words, but actually have different meaning and different chinese character.
For example: cheng - 城,承,成。 The 3 characters read same as cheng, but have different words and meaning
Hope this one can help.
zsliew the invite has expired.. can you share new I vote ??
fictiophiliastruck i think Yan Beichen’s makes you laugh because it is not so useful but it’s definitely perverted. It’s freaky when I imagined it, cause you can’t even hide when doing it
Bhy85 lol his ability really does not help much in terms of "business" unlike the others lol but it sure contributes much in his perversion lolololol
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The Eight Great Families and their Properties
Hello, how are you? I hope everyone is safe right from the comfort of their homes.
So quarantine made me compile the families' name of companies and businesses, and here is what I got. Remember that may be still accuracies so feel free to correct me!
Wei Family: Wu Feng, Lin Yi Public Relations, Wei Family Mall
Qi Family: Qi Lin Property, Qi Lin Technology, Jixia Academy
Yan Family: Yan Hui, Sheng Yue Hotel, Red Roof Club
Chu Family: Chutian Hospital, Chutian Technology
Han Family: Han Corporation
Zhao Family: Changping Group, Changping Culinary Academy
Nan Family: Nan Yin Corporation
Wen Family: Lanshan Institution
fictiophiliastruck thank you so much for this
fictiophiliastruck thank you so much for this
This thread is such a blessing
Thank you TM .
Btw can you spoil Wei Ziqi and Ran story a bit.
How is it?
This thread is such a blessing
Thank you TM .
Btw can you spoil Wei Ziqi and Ran story a bit.
How is it?
This thread is such a blessing
Thank you TM .
Btw can you spoil Wei Ziqi and Ran story a bit.
How is it?
Apart from being protective daddy I don't know much about Ziqi
Does anyone know who became the master of the house after Qi chengzhi? Is it Qi Youjin or Qi Youxuan?
Is Qi Youjin still silly after growing up? Is there any story where he is mentioned after he grow up?
ajiboye_loveth Hello, this thread is for discussing novels about a certain author and is not for promoting other novels. Please do not promote outside the promotion thread as stated by the forum rules.
@yaoyueyi Hello, someone is promoting outside the monthly promotion thread.
@ajiboye_loveth Please do not self promote outside of monthly thread. Post deleted.
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Will you start another Seven Gentlemen now that The President is Being Shameless Again is over? Please?
LazyCutieBaby I actually this his story is awesome, so different then the stories under the 7 gentlemen series, actually I really wish webnovel would translate the 4 gods series next because the ML are so different than these guys from B city, maybe its T city water but the guys are the definition of shameless!!! Oh Ziqi story is definitely 18 and older material not so rated everyone
link to read:
LazyCutieBaby I actually this his story is awesome, so different then the stories under the 7 gentlemen series, actually I really wish webnovel would translate the 4 gods series next because the ML are so different than these guys from B city, maybe its T city water but the guys are the definition of shameless!!! Oh Ziqi story is definitely 18 and older material not so rated everyone
link to read:
Please tell me how to use the baidu translation.. i use chrome so it goes directly translated to english, but i want to try the baidu ones.. thank you
mrskh same doubt!!!! Like in trying to understand Wei Wucai's connection to these guys, I scratched my head like anything
mrskh same doubt!!!! Like in trying to understand Wei Wucai's connection to these guys, I scratched my head like anything
fictiophiliastruck actually wei zhiqian and wei ziqi is not from the same family. because their family name characters are not the same in chinese. wei zhiqian's character is 魏 and wei ziqi is 衛. wei wucai is wei zhiqian's cousin and wei zilin is wei ziqi's cousin