
Membership works as follows:

You pay about 9.99 a month (not sure if this is usd or not)
You immediately get 500 coins, over the 31 days of the month you get an additional 310 coins (roughly 10 per day, more on shorter months)

There is some confusion on wether the 500 coins is a first month only thing or 500 immediately every month.

Chances are high the 310 coins are expiry vulnerable.

Admit alot of this is speculation as the membership description is not at all laid out well or deeply informative based on wn policies so most are waiting to see people jump the shark when it rolls over in Feb.

    Chaacra no, a netflix styled subscription service will not work. your statement claiming that "if netflix works so well, it's not for nothing" cannot apply AT ALL to WN b/c you're missing 2 key facts-- 1) though both are platforms that provide entertainment, WN is for reading & netflix is for video streaming. that's like comparing apples and pears. 2) netflix does not earn money the same way that WN does. they do not need to pay a bunch of small content creators 50% of the pay that the small creators earn from readers unlocking "episodes" or "movies" (in this analogy, chapters for WN). all netflix needs to pay is a licensing cost, some production fees for when they decide to create content, and other marketing/etc. fees while WN's entire profit relies on the personal income of the individual authors.

    authors already make very little a month. many rely on the MGS and only earn $200-400 a month for all the hours they put into writing. you want to go to pirate sites which welcome you with a happy smile? guess what? you're profiting off of something very illegal & you're ripping off the hard work of all the authors you read pirate novels of. you're not hurting WN. you're hurting the small creators who are trying to make a living. this behavior is unbelievably shameful.

    WN costs are not overpriced. there are stats to prove this. if you're burning a hole in your bank account, that's not WN's fault, it's your reading addiction's. why would you pay coins to a story you don't know if you will like it? most premium novels give you 60-100 free chapters before you have to pay. if you've read 100 chapters and you still don't know if you will like it or not, why would you waste your money on it?

    WN once had a subscription system. it completely destroyed the income of authors, and it was proven to not work. therefore, the membership system they're offering is probably the closest thing to a netflix subscription you're going to get.

      Othoja iys making it hard for poor readers to continue reading😭😭

        Chaacra The first time they introduced Membership accounts it was like Netflix. I think it was about $20 per month for unlimited reading. They did away with it after only a few months and went back to strictly SS. There were many suggestions, like to limit the number of stories you could apply it to and such, but they never brought it back. What is worse, the chapters that you didn't spend SS on to unlock during that time were once again locked (and still are unless you used SS to unlock.)

          Darth_Xiane So the only thing different from straight out buying the coins normally is the price and the reacurring charge, just in case you forget about it.


            Currently yeah, the membership price puts it at about a little cheaper than if you bought the two lowest tier top up packages.

            Plus theres indication they plan to expand the benefits but in which direction is not stated.

              So if my phones version is not 4.2 I can't use my fast past correct? My version is 8. Something so I have to downgrade it to 4.2??? Ugh! I just noticed it today that fast past cannot use of your version if its not 4.2. I don't have spirit stone anymore and I don't intend to buy. I've been reading web novel for 2 or 3 years so this is the end of my reading in web novel? 😭 I'm so sad. I'm currently reading national prince is a girl and my youth began with him. I guess it's my end here 😒😒😒

                So if my phones version is not 4.2 I can't use my fast past correct? My version is 8. Something so I have to downgrade it to 4.2??? Ugh! I just noticed it today that fast past cannot use of your version if its not 4.2. I don't have spirit stone anymore and I don't intend to buy. I've been reading web novel for 2 or 3 years so this is the end of my reading in web novel? 😭 I'm so sad. I'm currently reading national prince is a girl and my youth began with him. I guess it's my end here 😒😒😒

                  Still confused,am not getting this new update and change,am running out of coins and fast pass. So dose that mean I have to buy ss because am not buying,will just stop continue webnovel,,

                    Still confused,am not getting this new update and change,am running out of coins and fast pass. So dose that mean I have to buy ss because am not buying,will just stop continue webnovel,,


                      Yup this update is in essence turning WN into a primarily paid for service, not entirely a bad thing, just means you can no longer binge read without turning out your pockets. You still get three free chapters a day and if you opt to pay for the low cost membership (and seriously if you can afford Netflix you can afford it) you get an additional 810 coins a month which is another 81 10 coin chapters a month

                      App version not phone version. Wn app latest version is 4.2.

                        Kok versi sekarang susah mendapatkan coins.....tidak seperti versi sebelumnya bisa mendapatkan ss lebih banyak...kalo mau lanjut baca jadi susah karena untuk dapat coins juga tidak bisa....jadi bingung hanya bisa dapat voucher baca 1 dan juga bonus baca dapat nya points bukan coins...tolong jelaskan Thor....soalnya sedih juga, baca ceritanya jadi keputus....

                          Kok versi sekarang susah mendapatkan coins.....tidak seperti versi sebelumnya bisa mendapatkan ss lebih banyak...kalo mau lanjut baca jadi susah karena untuk dapat coins juga tidak bisa....jadi bingung hanya bisa dapat voucher baca 1 dan juga bonus baca dapat nya points bukan coins...tolong jelaskan Thor....soalnya sedih juga, baca ceritanya jadi keputus....

                            Kok versi sekarang susah mendapatkan coins.....tidak seperti versi sebelumnya bisa mendapatkan ss lebih banyak...kalo mau lanjut baca jadi susah karena untuk dapat coins juga tidak bisa....jadi bingung hanya bisa dapat voucher baca 1 dan juga bonus baca dapat nya points bukan coins...tolong jelaskan Thor....soalnya sedih juga, baca ceritanya jadi keputus....

                              Nods sagely in agreement

                              Peanut gallery: Do you know what she even said?

                              Me: Nope not a clue but it's there three times so it must be just that good.


                                Ack! Why didn't I read this before I bought coins a couple of days ago!?!?

                                  new version:
                                  1. no more free coin
                                  2. fast pass = you will get 3 fast pass/day (1+ Check-in, 1+voting with power, 1+voting with energy)
                                  3. The fast pass can unlock the premium chapter except for the privilege chapter. 1 day can unlock 3 chapters.
                                  3. Invite friend = receive 50 coins + 3 fast pass
                                  4. reading = receive points
                                  5. points = never expire, can check at store and can redeem the voucher or fast pass if reach certain points requirement (i.e 500 points can redeem 1 fast pass).

                                  google translate:
                                  versi baru:
                                  1. tidak ada lagi koin gratis
                                  2. fast pass = Anda akan mendapatkan 3 fast pass / hari (1+ Check-in, 1 + voting dengan kekuatan, 1 + voting dengan energi)
                                  3. Pass cepat dapat membuka bab premium kecuali untuk bab privilege. 1 hari dapat membuka 3 bab.
                                  3. Undang teman = terima 50 koin + 3 pass cepat
                                  4. membaca = menerima poin
                                  5. poin = tidak pernah kedaluwarsa, dapat memeriksa di store dan dapat menebus voucher atau fast pass jika mencapai persyaratan poin tertentu (yaitu 500 poin dapat menebus 1 fast pass).

                                  I wish they’d at least give you a free fast pass for every power stone and energy you used. Plus I wish they’d make the bonus daily rewards coins instead of points. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with the points...

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