I prefer the former version than the current one where there are passes. The rewards for reading should be coins. I read in order to unlock some chapter. I only get it unlocked because of the daily rewards. And when all are consumed, I have nothing to pay for the locked chapters. I'm not that rich to buy more coins. So at least make the rewards for reading, be coins.
What the new update did for Version 4.2.0 Both IOS and Android
Chini_Bliom me too. The new version sucks. I can't even unlock more chapters than before.
The_Cheese like hell with the membership that cost few dollars. I prefer the old version. You see, I'm only a student, I do not have enough money to buy coins. Unlike before, gaining ss is more better than gaining coins or fast pass. At least with the ss I will be able to unlock more chapters. The daily rewards are ss even with reading rewards. Unlike now with the new version, they're all limited and not easy to gain.
I read in the update in playstore about machine translation so where can I find machine translation?
- Edited
Shea_Oliver The books are on the app under free section of the novel feature tab.
It's also on the website version under [New Ongoing Releases] section. Just look for all the books with the non-English titles. The book page tells you in grey highlight that it's a machine translation.
Below link is an example of one.
Whoo~ I’m going to add to the fray! (that’s toned down anyway)
The only things I miss about the old update is being able to stock up my SS just to see a nice big number and feel that I’m rich (in spirit power?). And being able to miss a day because I can make it up with SS and keep my login streak!
Oh, and this is half-sarcasm btw
So what about this whole privileged chapter thing? I dont really mind but it wont even load when I click on it.
The_Cheese is the membership not available on iPhone?
I dont know where to ask about this, so gonna ask this here. does Fast Pass expiration have notification like coin?
I hoard FP for a while since didn't have time to read and tired after getting home. but I did notice my FP decrease suddenly. but didn't get any notification about it. I know its expired in 7 day and you can see it at the profile when it's gonna expired.
Im asking this if the feature exist but need to be manual turn on or it isn't as I can't find it.
IAmLowProfile no expiration display yet. Need to be remembered when do they expired
I personally go to other sites to read and the webnovel app acts as a notification machine. The only way I can continue to read novels
The check in rules says that there is bonus rewards on Wednesday and Sunday. How do I collect the reward for wednesday?
They are farming money. Fk
The auto unlock use fats pass in the chapter i enter and inthe first few unlocked chapters. That is a bug. If i enter a novel the logic thing is i want to read the new chapters not a chapter i deliberately jumped over.
KongoIsamu i dont know if it just me or everyone. the wed bonus is in extra 5 exp for me
i dont know if it just me or everyone. the wed bonus is in extra 5 exp for me
Yeah they keep bouncing the bonus reward around trying to find one that still prompts you to bother but doesnt give away the associated system.
They're still failing badly.
Cheese, why i can't claim new badge 'reading communicator's?
IAmLowProfile ahhh, I see. Thanks. I got that too but didn't think that was the reward.
KongoIsamu yeah, it is the reward ig. before the new update, Wednesday is the day the SS you got increased a bit.
I may be in the wrong place, but I can't find more info on this. There were many options for points prior to today in the store. Now only 2 are available. Is this specified anywhere
? I really do like the new points system and find it interesting but can't figure out much about it. Say you purchase 700% off for three day all novels. Well you never get a clear clock on when it applies because... First you buy the option/ Then you get a code. Then You put the code ii and get the voucher then you activate the voucher. There is no clear date for the expiration. I has some godly expires in 2099 message. So that is weird..
My invite code is IkWVdWCH
The_Cheese so does it mean it gonna restart ??
M awaiting for it ..
yaoyueyi NECRO