The_Cheese how do I log out?
What the new update did for Version 4.2.0 Both IOS and Android
Ellendria From Mobile Profile>Settings>Sign out button
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Hm, I just want to inform everyone for people who use the application like me, we can see how many coin we need to use everyday when you click on the coin number. I mean when I click on my 1200 coins, it's said like before I need to use 37 coins before 1 days.
Well...I did lose a lot coins without knowing how many I need to use ....until now hm
Yume97 It only shows the Coins expiry on the PC Site.
That strange, I just recheck on the application and it's still appear the expiration coin. Anyway, if that work for me, I will just use the coin before expire then
The update no longer indicate the expiry of ss/coins
The update no longer indicate the expiry of ss/coins
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Added Pictures! So It proves a Point
Also I have only 4 coins :cry:
[unknown] Cheese, you're too good. Imma start a hashtag #wngivecheesehisreward
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Cantiara It is easier then just going through all the discussion relating to the update. So now all I have to do is Copy the URL and paste.
Not to mention, I have experience with forum postings.
This is very helpful thank you very much
Fast Pass does not enable in certain books. Specifically Nation School Prince Is a Girl - therefore I unforntunetly dropped it until Webnivel stops pressuring people to buy coins. I bought SS before because I enjoyed reading and get SS daily. Now not so much. I'll just use the Fast Pass now on something I can actually read.
yay!! a pin! :D
Thanks @CKtalon for sticky-ing the Post.
I couldn't access the website. I use a laptop since I'm an author.
The_Cheese a hardworking cheese
The_Cheese thanks i finally get it
What the hell is this version... I didn't like a bit.. I sent 700+ as to unlock previliage n shit with it can't unlock previliage chapters to read.... I wasted my soo much ss for nothing..
N can't even earn ss from any... I need to buy it only it's really worst update I have gotten in webnovel
So you get points by reading but how many do you get exactly? Do I have to read for a certain amount of time to get a specific amount of points? If so what is that time and how many points would I receive?
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30 minutes
120 Minutes Or 1 Hour
240 Minutes Or 2 Hours
360 Minutes Or 6 Hours
600 Minutes Or 10 Hours
960 Minutes Or 16 Hours
Resets every Monday Beijing Time zone (UTC+8)
All rewards 10 points
Can get a maximum of 60 Points a week
The_Cheese thanks
- What is the reason for removing the 30% bonus coins on purchases? And why some people have a 100% bonus on purchase while I have 0%?
- What is the reason for not allowing to use fast passes on privileged chapters since you already need to pay a huge amount of coins to get privilege anyway, why hurting your paying readers?
- Can we still expect to receive the 35% rebate from premium expenditures?
Overall, why are you damaging the paying readers experience?
Your explanation only justify the restrictions for free users, why do you also go after your customers?
He's not a WN staff. Even if he knows the answers to those questions, he isn't speaking on behalf of WN.
Those questions should be addressed to @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL instead, and I wish you good luck because they hardly ever respond.
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Indeed, Me/Myself/I do not work for WebNovel. All the information should be common knowledge by just looking at the app and the website itself. You just have to Read and think for a moment as well as read their patch notes. I am in no way affiliated with Webnovel and Qidian International. Some of the question you may ask me; I can not answer with a full honest fact about the topic to your question. If you have Questions consider the way of their setup, ask a staff who work for Qidian International.
Just pointing this out.
The people who work for Qidian International are the tech teams. ReachZhai and dapenggaofei are some of the people who are mostly active on the Webnovel Forum. They are also able to contact other workers in their Department.
I tagged cktalon for that reason as he is working for them and usually replying
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If cktalon can't give any answer then what's the use of the forum? He is the only one related to WN that is actually active on that forum. You have a higher chance to win the lottery than to get a reply from @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL
The_Cheese ReachZhai and dapenggaofei are some of the people who are mostly active on the Webnovel Forum
Ask them, But just know they have the right to refuse to answer you.
The forum is only design for Bugs, Questions, and hosted events. Not to complain about their system.
He's from Atlas Studios, a translation team contracted by WN. And yeah, he took up the role to coordinate with other TL teams, so if there are translation mistakes, you can always report them to him and he'll handle the rest. But he's not directly on WN's payroll.
Well, he probably should explain it himself (if he cares to, though I doubt he does... lol), but a lot of peeps seem to mistake him for a WN staff, so if there are major changes on WN, he often gets flamed, lol.
But hey, I don't speak for him either, so @CKtalon, care to explain it yourself?
Khana Fair enough. He can probably answer, though I still think you shouldn't take it as an official answer. And lol, I actually got a reply from the official account once, and it did feel like winning a lottery, though I'd still rather win a real lottery... :laughing:
Cantiara I actually got a reply from the official account once
They reply in 2-3 business days depending on how busy they are.
I get support emails from Webnovel as well, mostly related to transactions.
No, not emails, but here in the forum. The official account as in @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL.