WinterFlower U get it by watch ads n get ss at random,, try check ur total ss n watch ads,,, if u free...

    Rtw is premium novel, so no ads for you if you want to unlock the latest chapters. To get ss from ads you must check in from qidian app not from browser.

      WinterFlower You can click watch ad as an alternative to paying for spirit stones for any story that is not considered premium. The premium novels cost 1 spirit stone for every 200 words in the chapter. My strategy is to take the free spirit stones I get from the daily checking, contributing to the power rankings, and voting for the 'What's Next' novel and spend them only on the premium novel I like and save the rest. Any novel I can watch ads on I do. If you don't have a few saved up, then whenever your favorite premium novel has a mass release you will fall behind; plus, they have said they intend to add more novels to premium soon, so hoard those babies like a magpie. Keep an eye on their expiration date though; your free spirit stones only last for a month. Better to use them then lose them.

        Miya You need money for everything even being poor, it means your not a beggar, and being a beggar means your still a useless husk of waste

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