
Go here:

If you don't have a discord account, you will need to sign up. Use your WN's author pseudonym as username.

Upon joining, you won't be able to post anything yet because you don't have the permission to do it. Go to the introduction-and-rules channel, read and follow the instructions there in order to get the permission to post.

Once you're allowed to post, ask your fellow authors there about this mass-release procedure.

That's all I can help you with. Good luck.

    Cantiara Hi, I have a Discord account but when I click the accept invite, nothing happens. Can please send me the link and invite me again? Thank you.


      I didn't intend for it to be a bad thing.

      The post doesn't actually link any of these novels nor does it give an description about them. Why would anyone be interested to read a novel in this list that they haven't read before if there is no info about them?

      It was merely a question I had and I merely wanted to address it.

        Cantiara I have a Discord account already JMSBCayanan#7331 the problem is whenever I click the accept invitation on the link whether on phone or desk top, nothing happens. 😥


          Are you using PC or phone? Did you click on the link I just posted above? Are you sure you've gone through all the steps on that page?

          Edit: Hold on, just let me add you on discord and we'll continue this there. We're derailing this thread.

            It's a fact. There are many easy ways to make the mass release listing a really useful tool of marketing for new novels. Link, a 200 char description, genre, Tags, chapter count and so on.
            Split the mass release by genres. Any spreadsheet can do it.

              I finally bought a membership after suggesting it years ago lololol.

                GegeSadewa Agree! As the consistent cutomer for buying coins, there should be a discount! And somehow I cant even buy coins today... What's wrong now?

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