
A very well-known and common type of beverage.

I love tea. Don’t you?

I don’t have a particular favourite, but I do like chrysanthemum tea or rose tea or green tea every now and then. Or all the time. Tastes better cold-brewed, but I could never have the patience to make them so frequently. My siblings say I only drink tea that tastes like edible perfume... I don’t know what they mean. Edible perfume tastes great, heh heh.

There’s a beverage chain in my country that started selling mango milk tea. It sounded strange at first but it was surprisingly good when I tried it. Tasted like a thin mango yoghurt drink with a tea aftertaste. Crap, now I want it.

Boba/bubble/pearl tea. It’s so popular, isn’t it? It was tasty the first few times, but now I get sick just thinking about it. These days they sell those brown sugar pearl milk teas, and I just don’t understand how people could drink them so frequently. Those things are seriously too sweet. It’s like a diabetes injection, oof. Makes for great guilty pleasures, though.

    ihateyounot Another tea lover~! I am in fact, drinking my third cup today of Chamomile with Lavender. One, around midnight to go to sleep (which, of course I didn't expect to actually happen considering my months long streak of being on the opposite time zone of where I live), two, when I began my online job meeting, and three, after I finished the meeting and documents after it to finally, go to sleep. Well, after this post anyway. :) <--- actually a dead face due to yet another all nighter, don't be fooled by the smile brought on by drinking lovely tea :heart:

      The question is, how is tea grown and what is fertilized?

      I like tea made from deer herbs, it has a pleasant tart smell, has healing properties, and treats colds well!

      So what could be better than boiling water? When I was in Beijing, my neighbor from Chengdu said that only boiling water can be better than tea!

      I liked jasmine green tea, Japanese Sencha is good, my friend sells it all over the world. Rooibas is also a wonderful tea.

      And I also like tea from chamomile flowers, rose hip, tea from currant leaves. Unlike other teas, all these teas are grown in mountains, ecologically clean places, everything is natural.

      Boba though........ I didn't actually know boba = bubble tea until somewhat recently when some online post asked which do you refer to the drink as? It was because my friends always said bubble tea, so I thought boba was some place young'uns hanged out at. :laughing:

      Oh, and we did try making bubble tea once, but then we realized we needed to soak the tapioca over night, so we grilled our girlie who bought the drink kit for being silly xD

        bubble tea ???? for the first time I hear about him. I read about topioka in the manga Gokushufudou: The Way of the House Nisband, but I have never seen it. The world is so big that only it is not there, how amazing!

          Why not a cola? I read somewhere that sweet sparkling water is harmful to the liver.

          We are for a healthy lifestyle - boiling water is more useful!

          slides in like a crazy tea lady

          Did someone say TEA?!?!!!!

          I like all tea- drink so much tea. Tea is in my blood. My gramparents had a tea farm but then war came so- bye bye tea farm. I love tea so much that in college I slaved away as a tea barista in a Japanese tea shop- terrible management great tea. Teaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Please talk to me about tea.

          My work office only provides us with S.East Asian Jasmine tea- which is fine but you get tired of it. Instead my coworkers just steal my tea stash.

            yaoyueyi Saaaaaame! The first time I discovered chrysanthemum tea, I spent a long period of drinking literally nothing but that. It was too good uwu

            Cantiara call me a pleb for not knowing what that is, but it sounds amazing! How does it taste? Like green tea but high class? Give me all the details!

              kazesenken On the bright side, at least your office has a type of tea! I can’t stomach coffee as well, so I try to not drink it too much. Makes me have the runs. Tea FTW!

              CCmei I SAID TEA! Come hither, brethren!

              There’s a tea plantation two or three hours away from where I live. It’s great, and I wish I could go there more frequently, but heck it’s far. :’(

              I feel you. I’m the only big tea drinker in my family, and for anything more flavourful than regular red or black tea, I’d have to buy it from a more expensive grocer (since most of them are imported), or look online. My stash keeps dwindling mysteriously... but I don’t actually mind lol. As long as they’re enjoying it, I guess. Don’t think I’d feel the same if my coworkers stole em =.=

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