Xincerely No, but the next time I go out, I'll be sure to buy some! I was also thinking of boiling the tea/tea leaves for a longer period of time, making it really, really dense. (I think that's how it works? Water evaporation and everything...)
Okay so not to be that tea hoe that drinks too much boba milk teas and have too many friends working there but:
Most tea shops make their teas super condensed. That perfect steeped oolong? There's prolly like 12 tea bags worth in that cup of yours.
Some places used powdered milks (again condensed and strong) some don't, but rarely do they use the plain milk you see in grocery stores or just sitting in your fridge (maybe creamer though), unless it's almond or other non dairy milks (bc come on a lot of customers are asian and lactose tolerence is not something we're all blessed with) .
So yes, most of those youtube vids are waaaay too watery.
If you have time, I also reccomend just steeping tea in plain clean water overnight in the fridge. Cold brew it. Gets all the flavor/aroma without the bitterness.
CCmei I totally feel that lactose intolerance! It's not too bad but a whole cup of regular milk will knock me into the toilet faster than a doggo going after dropped food.
I bear the consequences knowing full well that I enjoyed every moment of consuming lactose containing foods, ice cream, milk tea, cereal, yogurt, and milk pudding, etc...
I'll try out your suggestion of cold brewing the tea overnight!
Xincerely if you steepnit with boiling water, it will get more bitter and have more tannins released. That's fine if you prefer it strong or the tea is of a quality black tea, but to those who like their tea fragrant or fear bitterness I reccomend cold water.
Aroma escapes through the steam. So that's why hot tea should be enjoyed as is while some of the best ice tea is cold brewed.
Lovely. I am a huge tea fan too. My brother has a tea garden in the mountains and sells organic green tea and oolong tea. If y'all need tea, hit me up. But I can't send anything when covid is still hijacking the economy.
I should really try and get my life together. I love tea but I don't even know the name of the tea that I've been drinking but I'm pretty sure its not one of those classy names I just read. I can't wait till I start earning my own money to horde different kinds of tea.
The best tea I ever had was when I was around 12 or something. My uncle just came back from Beijing and bought some tea. I don't know what kind of tea it was, it was written in Chinese but the taste was so divine. Of course I wasn't able to appreciate it before due to my ignorance of how vast the world was. Now that I know how amazing tea is, I regretted wasting such good tea.
Now I drink tea from dried figs, peach and green tea
CCmei I tried letting it soak overnight and I it works better! But, I still can't get the right porportions of milk, sweetener, etc.
I soaked some green tea last night so maybe it'll taste different compared to the black tea. I also switched to almond milk (since it's all that in my fridge right now) and it wasn't too bad.
Tea, anyone? ...No? Sigh.
A drink.
Sigh, I'm bored.
Now it’s hot, I drink mineral water. I drink saffron tea in the evening
Pls forgive me I had 3 coffees this morning to get through the shift. Medical patients are rapidly increasing as lockdowns ease up (Wow what a COINCIDENCE I wonder why????)
I'm really craving something refreshing like a mixed mint type of tea (ok fine I'm craving a mojito)
Tap tap
"The mother father,"
Tap tap
Just kidding. It's story time!
So, my grandparents really like drinking coffee at night, like at 9 or 10. We try to stop them because the caffeine will keep them up all night and isn't good for them. They don't listen. So we made sure to buy non-caffeinated coffee in hopes that they would realize that the coffee isn't working and just stop.
Well, nope. They still drank it thinking it helps them stay awake. Although they still stay up late, the lack of caffeine makes it not so late. Now here's the fun part. I recently bought some starbucks coffee, with real caffeine, that was already pre-made. You can probably guess where this is going now.
My grandma found it cooling in the fridge and was like,
"... Yeah...?"
"I'll take a little."
"O-okay..." dying inside and panicking since I know that the caffeine is going to keep her up
She ends up drinking the whole bottle and it was like the coffee took away my grandma and replaced her with a laughing boom box. No joke.
I was trying to binge watch a tv show and she sat in the couch next to me, laughing and wheezing at the smallest joke or thing. On screen, the dude hit the ball into another person's face and next to me I hear this,
"Keh akc akc, keh ha ha. Ha ha heh," last heh turns into a wheeze that gets higher in pitch and softer in sound, like it's swirling
Anyway, that night turned into the next day, early in the morning. It was close 5 a.m. when I woke up after falling asleep on my cough and realized that she was trying to help herself to another bottle of coffee.
So yeah. I learned my lesson. Hide my coffee!
And, if you couldn't tell, I need to stop watching tic tak
White peach oolong. Yum.
I ate a lamb rosemary barbecue. I was thirsty. I drank currant tea. An hour has passed. Now I drink delicious tea - strawberries, orange, lemon, mint, basil.
Hello tea forums, it is the suffering tea hoe.
Today I share you my experience with chocolate earl grey milk tea which is delish. Make sure the earl gray is strong and flavorful. Chocolate works well with the slight citrus and strong bergamont surprisingly.
Great boba option, just don't get it with taro. Idk why I got it with taro bits.
- Edited
I drank jasmine green tea today, very tasty
Things I drank today:
White peach oolong, best to be enjoyed plain. A little sweetener is fine but I don't recommend milk or creamer as it detracts more than highlights the fruity aroma.
Golden Road: Pineapple cart beer- a little sour but refreshing
Oolong tea with Chinese herbs. Honestly, it's a bottle of Japanese tea packaged by Coca-cola. Not great but basic and good. Not a half bad meal tea that went well with my sushi and gyozas.
SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS EVERYBODY SHOTS. I enjoyed a few drinks of Argentinian rum brought by a friend whose family lived there, and by enjoyed I mean it was horrible. My cousin grimaced and found it awful so I was expecting it to be worse. When I drank it down smoothly it wasn't so bad....BUT the aftertaste is awful. No more.
I can take my drinks but I am getting older and I learned the hard way not to mix my liquors otherwise I would have gone straight to sake or whisky. Not tea but ehhhh life isn't all sweet tea.