SrtaA They get accounted for after a few ads. You will see a +4 or +6 if one or more ads weren't accounted while Farming. And you might not get that +4 or +6 sometime even after Farming for a long time, but those points are still accounted for in the My Points section. I have tried it just to see; but closing ads too fast isn't viable since my poor hands can't make such fast movements repeatedly.
I have yet to see a single farming ad. Farming is on, page turning is on, the little bag logo is in the corner so I know I'm im the right sorts of stories, I have tried multiple novels (with a sample size of 200 page turns each)... Nothing. Simply nothing.
DiddilyPuff read this How To Farm Points
Yuki_Qing I am doing nothing wrong according to that guide. No ads.
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DiddilyPuff did you turn on farming mode and paging?
did you notice the novel that are you gonna farm, have golden pouch at the top? as not all original and fanfic have it
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DiddilyPuff have you try Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos ? for sure it have ads and golden pouch at the top.
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Yuki_Qing Just tried it. 200 page turns, no ads. Yes it is on farming mode, yes it is on page turn and not scrolling, yes I have an internet connection.
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DiddilyPuff what is your WN apps version? is it 4.2.2 for android / 4.2.0 for ios? have try clear the cache? install reinstall again? log out / in back?
Yuki_Qing yes, it's that version. Have cleared the cache. If I can track down my login info, I'll try logging out and back in (though I don't quite see how that will help)
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DiddilyPuff sound really weird. cause mine seem fine together with farming that Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos after few slide the chapter, i'm not reading that book, just slide the page faster and saw the ads.
Yuki_Qing cleared cache again, logged out, uninstalled, reinstalled, logged back in. Still no ads.
Dudes, it may only be a matter of not having available ads for his country at that time. It happens.
SrtaA no ads since the start of farming itself? Suspicious.
DiddilyPuff as you:
1- reinstalled,
2- and it's the current version, that is working for everyone else,
3- all the setting are as supposed to,
I just think of external reasons...
It's possible that an adblocker app has been installed on your phone. I uninstalled mine for the sake of farming points.
I have the same situation, no reading ads, nor the daily double ads, are they also unavailable for you ? If you get the daily ads then we at least Know that your device is not the problem(most likely)