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Hello I'd like to say that the farming system doesn't like to work as you said, I've been reading for a couple of hours and apart for the points given for "reading time" I've only earn 2 points for farming (in like 2 hours) not yours 1500-2000 per hour said in your post.

Also I'd like the section of three free novel that it's now missing 😖


Hello I'd like to say that the farming system doesn't like to work as you said, I've been reading for a couple of hours and apart for the points given for "reading time" I've only earn 2 points for farming (in like 2 hours) not yours 1500-2000 per hour said in your post.

Also I'd like the section of three free novel that it's now missing 😖

    Len_Salmor what is your reading mode? is it paging or scrolling? you must set it into paging.

    if you are farming while reading, it will give lower points. 1500-2000/hours is only focusing on farming the points without reading.

      yaoyueyi I’d like to point out number 6. This one has been addressed in the past with comparisons. First of all 50k words is more of a light novel, where as most western novels range from 75k - 150k words iirc.

      This one is a bit touchy as there are differences where it is difficult to compare. First of all a general 50k-75k word eBook goes for $5 or less, and the price doesn’t scale up depending on word count. A 50k ebook would go for $5, while a 100k ebook would go for $7-$8.

      The first point where it is difficult to make comparisons is you can’t price these novels against leading titles, because there is simply a quality difference between them. Yes, there are many novels up to the same quality of writing, few exceeding, but most are not. There isn’t a quality rating system for how each book should be priced.

      Second is the content amount. Webnovels traditionally have much more content, but most often extrapolate unnecessarily or simply add in filler content. A novel is generally formatted as beginning, progress (usually with some great difficulty or adversery in the end), conclusion. They go through cycles of editing before hitting the shelves.

      I recall doing a comparison between the western market and SS cost about a year ago or something. If you were purchasing the largest packs of SS for the most bonus SS, allowing for daily free SS, then the price was pretty in line with western market prices, a tiny bit more expensive. But then others also pointed out quality of story and filler content was not accounted for. There was also junk food novels with are rinse and repeat for the most part. I recall someone saying that a 250g packet of chips isn’t worth a 250g piece of quality meat.

      Anyway, in the end of my rambling, you can’t really compare the prices with real novels simply because the are too many incompatible criteria.

      Everything else you’ve listed, I fully support 🧛‍♂️👍

        Basically, there is no such thing that can make everyone happy. Webnovel want more money and we want to pay as little as possible (free in pirate websites).
        As for me the quality of the book (not chapters) is not even worth the high price. Not only the cost is much higher than jp light novels, there is quite a lot of trash novel and only very few gems.
        While I do agree about the sentiments of reading legally and giving an appropriate compensation, if I could get it free with little to no inconvenience why not? Besides, webnovels (the novel, not the app) are originally free. The author/translator only do what they do, because they love it and for the fans, not for money.
        When money is involved, especially when a certain company becomes too greedy, often times the environment can become too toxic.

          Like someone said, comparing those two things is wrong in the first place.

          What is cheaper, essays detailing natural occurence of vulcano in asia minor, or a TV soap opera?

          Those two things are diffrent hence comparing them is pointless.

            No, translators, editors, and even writers do it for free because they do it for practice and refinement of their skills. And also to get their names out there and get feedback.
            They take projects that are interesting to them, so of course they do what they like.
            Once you start getting paid, you don't have the luxury of picking your projects anymore. Ask any real translator, editor, or writer (would makes a wage on it) if they would willing take on your favorite novel type (not their personal choice) and do it for free. They'll ignore you or laugh at you.


            To claim that authors, in general, are doing something, you need to be backed by at least more than a perfect half of them. To even qualify to speak about the reality of the authors, you need to become one yourself. So here is my challenge - write 150k long novel. That's all I expect. Before that, shut the hell up and don't you dare speak as if any author would agree with you.

              ANMATED ORANGE points in the top right corner of view catches my sight and makes me completely unable to dive in text. Is there a way to hide it? I do not care of any points or other mumbo-jumbo, I came here to read novels, not to play in some online-casino.

                Dark0000 The author/translator only do what they do, because they love it and for the fans, not for money.

                Huh? No, this perception is inaccurate. I agree writers love writing, and sometimes for the fans. But it's not only the reason nor only for fans.

                Also there's a slight distinction between writers and authors

                Writers generally write to tell a story (hopefully gain some reader love). They don't do it only for fans, because there's no guarantee of achieving any. Generally it's writing to tell a story, maybe share it, learning and growing in the craft. Writing is an art form.

                Authors are writers who have the opportunity to turn their story into a book product. They have now crafted their works for sale. They intend to sell their story with aims of gathering paying readers.

                That's the difference. I'm both.

                Translators are a different skill set that I can't comment on. As I'm not a translator. I can say that authors and translators are not the same in regards to purpose.

                So it's not all doing only for love and fans. There's a lot brain drain, sweat and tears that goes into writing a story, and every writer has their own reasons for doing it.

                I know, but seeing how dumb some people are, I wanted to secure my back and make sure there won't be stupid missunderstanding that would turn into whole new attack on me. (albeit, it would be amusing to watch)

                  Wolfick oh, I do agree with your points too. I guess what I'm trying to say is that paying 10 dollars for 100k words is not too expensive (imo), and i tried to give the length of a published book in comparison b/c I think people tend to forget how much content they're reading when they're just cycling through all the chapters/binging? seeing how much content they're reading portrayed in an average book/series is a good reminder. and I do agree that comparison is like apples & pears, 2 different things.

                  I think that I guess my wording is really bad-- explaining things is not my strong suite-- so will go back and edit the first post to reflect my actual thoughts.

                    Wolfick oh i remember seeing your post & liking it a lot. it's what taught me the saying "you just read too much", haha :joy:

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