ANMATED ORANGE points in the top right corner of view catches my sight and makes me completely unable to dive in text. Is there a way to hide it? I do not care of any points or other mumbo-jumbo, I came here to read novels, not to play in some online-casino.
Addressing Your Complaints (Coins, Fast Passes, etc.)
You know that this is just a random number?
Dark0000 The author/translator only do what they do, because they love it and for the fans, not for money.
Huh? No, this perception is inaccurate. I agree writers love writing, and sometimes for the fans. But it's not only the reason nor only for fans.
Also there's a slight distinction between writers and authors
Writers generally write to tell a story (hopefully gain some reader love). They don't do it only for fans, because there's no guarantee of achieving any. Generally it's writing to tell a story, maybe share it, learning and growing in the craft. Writing is an art form.
Authors are writers who have the opportunity to turn their story into a book product. They have now crafted their works for sale. They intend to sell their story with aims of gathering paying readers.
That's the difference. I'm both.
Translators are a different skill set that I can't comment on. As I'm not a translator. I can say that authors and translators are not the same in regards to purpose.
So it's not all doing only for love and fans. There's a lot brain drain, sweat and tears that goes into writing a story, and every writer has their own reasons for doing it.
I know. I was playing along. :wink:
I know, but seeing how dumb some people are, I wanted to secure my back and make sure there won't be stupid missunderstanding that would turn into whole new attack on me. (albeit, it would be amusing to watch)
Wolfick oh, I do agree with your points too. I guess what I'm trying to say is that paying 10 dollars for 100k words is not too expensive (imo), and i tried to give the length of a published book in comparison b/c I think people tend to forget how much content they're reading when they're just cycling through all the chapters/binging? seeing how much content they're reading portrayed in an average book/series is a good reminder. and I do agree that comparison is like apples & pears, 2 different things.
I think that I guess my wording is really bad-- explaining things is not my strong suite-- so will go back and edit the first post to reflect my actual thoughts.
Yuki_Qing when I checked all it had was farming advertisements, have I missed something?
Ok i don't like the new farming pouch it gives you number that is rounded closer to what you have ei 3690 is showen as 3.7. When you read ur 2 min it shows 2 coins going in but if ur farming no coin insertion is show so you cant keep an eye out on that at all.
I personally like the 1st version better because it gave you the right info.
The auto unlock next chap function is broken in 4.3.0. It worked fine in the previous version
The auto unlock next chap function is broken in 4.3.0. It worked fine in the previous version
made this name as it accurate love how lying say fastp ass chapter be unlock permanently.....till u you decide change system/currency again or release new function like when stories went premium and spirt stone locked chapter that already privileged.....future----name undecided but just like i can depend on ohio river have body in it,i no qidian and wn will screw this community again. Country seem be against capitalist they sure are best out milking money out people. Plz ban me ,like care.Ruining reading experience for so many people, I'll ignore all people attempted and few have stolen other original work hosted on other reading platforms just on translated novel glad your driving large number people away from your site. Tolerated because handful novel are really nice and reader for wn so nice but fuck it now updates few novels are shot and miss and privileged. Login ,look new chapter o wait no it not another release on privileged while fp get nothing .......thnks.........hurt the author,hurt for all waste money drop on gravitytales or donating directly. Made plenty choice in real life end badly dont regret them. Ive spent 1000s on L.O.L skin over years ,just dumb stuff,really honestly mad i supported some translator that came here. If take back 1 thing it be that.
- Edited
I invited a friend and shared the link thru messenger and that fb friend installed the app and read several.novels to check the stories out. however, when i checked my free gift for a free pass, nothing, as in nada! Not even.the bonus points is not there. As it was stated free pass for 3.days and yet, my friend has a free pass for only 2 chapters of a novel and the rest needs to be unlocked or paid by coin. Is it a scam or what? So disappointed...
Finally finish all my 500 something coins/ss until 345 days later ....I finish all free coins yay and now I can concentrate to read all open chapters