Unruly_Phoenix Watching Ad never gave a bonus fast pass, you just receive EXP.
Unruly_Phoenix Watching Ad never gave a bonus fast pass, you just receive EXP.
Good, im not updating the apl.
Good, im not updating the apl.
Vinicius_Almeida but the msg showed +1 fast pass!!
I wish I had taken a screenshot to show you!!
immortalImmortal can you tell me where I can find the old version app?
[unknown] Hi and I just like to ask if you already receive the fast pass? It's been 4days but I don't see any fast pass credit reissued to my account. Thanks.
The message is wrong, written wrong. Screenshotting it wont change reality.
Nor will trying to use an old version of the app, trying to force outdated systems to work today will just choke you with errors.
Would like to ask if the fast pass has be reissued to you guys? I haven't received yet. Thanks.
dAris Yes it is... I have gotten my reward