dbenz The app is getting shittier every update after the addition of reading points and making coins a premium value (Excluding that the app is bugged, events are bugged so its not 100% guaranteed that you get rewards from them, and badges cost several thousands of dollars)

It's the third time now, except it's far from being the charm.
Seriously WN, what the F? Degrading user experience is not how you get money. How did you not learn the lesson the last two times? HOW!

    Can we please, please get rid of this completely annoying โ€œfeatureโ€? Or at least give us the option of opting out of this screen. The recommendations are so annoying!

    I guess in between they had removed it for a few days but got it back again๐Ÿคฆ Such as awful and annoying page. Wastes so much time, everytime you open the app

    I preferred it without any recommendations, it's rather annoying. At least make suggestions based on the genre of book I actually read, not just random novels

    I use the mobile browser version as an interim. I don't use the app, as it keep crashing on the rec-load for my phone. So I ditched it. Happier with the experience this way to be honest.

      7 days later

      Is this some sort of annoying tactic?
      For 1 whole week it was not there. But now, it came back. Are you doing this on purpose?

        Think of it as a stagnate page while the app loads. Then it is not so bad.

          TianLei but if I do end up continuing my most recently read novel, when I exit it, it pops me back onto the awful recommendation page where I have to find the tiny button to get to the discover page. Only then am I able to get to my library or the profile page to do my daily PS and ES votes.
          I don't want to see both the 3 second recommendation page along with that awful recommendation interface let alone having to see the recommendation interface AGAIN during a single reading session.

          First was the Recommended Screen, and now the Hi I'm W popup.

          I wish that we could be given the option (TOGGLE BUTTON) to look at them when we want to, and not to have see it when we least need it.

          Right now there are an increasing number of new novels being released with poor TLC.

          Take one look at the 1st chapter of practically any Trial Read novel and you would be able to spot a mistranslation (copy&paste terms from MTL) or poor grammar etc ๐Ÿ˜“

          Just some simple TLC and paraphrasing could make the novel easier to read ๐Ÿฅบ

          I have reported them numerous times yet no one takes the time to fix them.

          The only group that does fixes is AtlasStudio ๐Ÿ‘
          (not to be confused with LarbreStudio ๐Ÿ‘Ž).

            Jack_N_Mikhail I'm afraid you'll have to either find the translation team on discord or email service@webnovel.com in order to have any hope of getting translation errors fixed. Comments in chapter are ineffective. Posts on the forum are also generally ineffective with Atlas Studio perhaps being an exception.

            Jack_N_Mikhail Haha. It would be weird if they fixed it. Very, very few of them fix errors. Most of them are not even active. Heck, 99% of the time we don't even know who is the translator or editor of the said novel.
            Edit: And we keep running in loop when we want to complain.

              Max255 you can find the translation studio by checking the details on each individual chapter. In app, open the chapter, tap to show the options menu, scroll all the way to the bottom of the menu, tap "content creator(s)"

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