john_john_OO Maybe so, but that makes me question. Since you don't care if no one reads your opinions, why are you even here? Why do you even comment? Why do you even bother? If you are so unimportant, if you are a nobody, what is even your purpose here? You might as well save the effort and time on something else that you think actually matters.
Lets be real here, if you truly didn't care, you wouldn't be commenting here. Words are great, but actions are better. Your actions are telling a whole different story. Your actions are telling that you indeed do care as you keep commenting and replying. I care about your opinions and my own, so i reply to you. If i didn't care, i wouldn't even be replying. I wouldn't even be here to begin with. We wouldn't even be having this exchange. Yet here you are, doing the same thing as i, while claiming otherwise...
I do think my opinions matter, but you are free to think whatever you like. You can have whatever opinion you want, and you can share it however you like. That's the beauty of free thinking and free speech ain't it? And you are right, you and i are equals, just as every other human being on this earth. But you seem to believe that i don't have a right to my opinion when it comes to authors. Which is something i do not agree.
Anyways, i think we have gotten pretty off topic tbh, and you still haven't answered my question. How did you come to the conclusion that i am trying to destroy someone's work? I said nothing against the novel, i even said that i actually like the novel. I would truly give it 4 stars as far as i got to read. It may not be perfect, and i might dislike some parts of how the fights are written, but it is a pretty good read. I said all of these in my comments above. My arguments were against the authors behavior and defending the rights i believe every human being should have. So this just makes me scratch my head, have you really read my comments?
Lastly, how did you come to the conclusion that i wrote garbage in my comments in this authors novel? I do not claim that my comments are perfect or anything, and you could argue that some of them would be useless from the point of view of author, but garbage? Anyways, comments are not just for the author, some of them are for other readers to read, like and comment on. Yes, most comments may be useless from the authors point of view, but that doesn't give them the right to delete them...
Flying_Rat He did not delete my review, he deleted my comments that i posted while i was reading. I haven't even gotten to posting a review. Well, not like that's important at this point, but yeah. And i am calm, i'm honestly tired of answering because no one seems to be getting the point anyways and accusing me of doing things i haven't done. And yes, maybe you are right. I really should stop writing or caring. The situation have long been concluded with author anyways, but some people seems to think otherwise. I have said what i wanted to say and made the points that i wanted to make anyways. Thanks for sharing your opinion.