Smut or no smut?

- Sep 22, 2020
- Joined Jul 16, 2020
Have however many levels you will use in your story.
Novels don't grow on trees.
Perhaps there simply aren't any other better new novels.
Nine star burden is a very interesting magic system novel.
It has similar vibes to versatile mage but it i better imo.
Sometimes I like to read the first few chaps of the novel regardless of reviews.
Some high rated ones are garbage while some lower ones are quite fun to read.
I think a pause is fine if you communicate it to people who read your novel.
- Edited
Self-absorbed readers who think too highly of themselves don't understand the simple fact that one star reviews insulting a novel is incredibly hurtful to the author. Whereas, the reciprocal where the author deletes a review is nowhere near the same to the reader.
The author spends hours and hours of their life producing a unique work. Even if some of the criticisms in a very negative review may be warranted it still does not change the fact that it is incredibly hurtful for novice authors who don't have a large base of support to offset the negativity. The reader has thousands of books that they can read if they don't like a certain one. There are also thousands of readers that will read a novel and have thousands of different viewpoints. Why does the reader think his thoughts are so important that he must make himself heard?
In a perfect world we would all agree to not harass authors even if we dislike their novel and authors would agree to not delete comments and reviews. But it's impossible for this to happen as there are bad actors in every case.
Okay novel... Pretty unique but not that amazing either.
Harem can be romance if there is significant chaps spent on development of the relationship of a girl and the mc. If the mc is collecting women like Pokemon, then it gets stale.
I don't get the complaints about wish fulfillment. Romance is wish fulfillment. Regardless if it's one on one or a harem.
Release that witch was good until it went off the rails.
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You can always vote powerstones for yourself
I agree. The story is quite weak.
Also include some kind of a marriage contract that is nonsensical.
N0xiety it's funny you say I'm being off topic yet the topic wasnt even about you or Dan_Ryder. But you made it about yourself and the supposed wrongs and crimes against human rights he has committed and how you and the other troll attack the author.
Uncle_Sheogorath btw, readers like you are trash. What you are doing is simply bullying the author, trying to get their attention like a needy child.
So they deleted your comment or review, cry me a river. Just don't read their novel and move on.
N0xiety everything you just said, you are attributing to yourself. I never stated any of those things. I don't care if nobody reads my comment because I am nobody. But equally, you are also nobody and your comments are equal in status to mine.
N0xiety your comments above reek of delusional self-importance. Especially your tone with Dan_Ryder like somehow you are doing him a favor.
N0xiety who are you? Are you an original author. What rights do you think you have that trumps the author's? You have no rights.
Original authors put in their time and effort and hard work to come up with an original idea. The author is not a mindless robot spewing out words just for word count.
You are just one reader. One reader who dislikes something and is acting like a spoiled child. Most original novels you're allowed to read for free. You're not paying anything. Yet you're trying to destroy somebody's hard work.
The world doesn't revolve around you. You are pissed off. Well the author is 10 times more pissed off reading the garbage you write in comments and reviews. Why? Because they wrote the story. It is their baby. Why do you care so much about something that's not yours.