Hello, im new here
I just want to make a novel but i dont know how to write.
Can i get some advice ?
Newbie writer
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On what particular area are you trying to get some advice on? Is it on the technicalities of writing or creating a plot? I don't know if I can help you, but feel free to ask me.
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Writing Tips:
Write something that you want to read about. Ex. You want to read about Romance, then you can start writing about Romance.
Write. Read. Write. It means that, while you are writing, read some New York Times Best Selling Books for some ideas.
Outlining: If you are an amateur writer then outlining is one of the best ways to start with. Ex. Chapter 1- The MC will be a prisoner or meet his/her true love. (Not certain about this matter)
Collect information/ Research. You will go back to the WT #1, search for the nature of your story. What I mean is that, collect ideas, twists for better writing quality.
Motivation/Goal. You need to set objectives and at the same time, you need to be motivated for you to write and create an amazing and peculiar novel. Your goal is about updating stability and or reaching a minimum word or chapter in a week.
Note. This is my opinion, if you see it as helpful then I am glad to hear that from you.
Good luck author! Write, write, write until you succeed.
mrmrcia In writing, i dont know how to start
Maryixxx thanks for the tips, i hope that i can make it.
Alright! First and foremost, since we're writing in English, make sure that you're armed with an ample knowledge of the rules in grammar. Having a good grasp in grammar will enable you to have a better flow in your story and transitions.
Second, the make sure that you write detailed about what's in your imagination. Write down the sceneries in your mind. Knowing how to poetically describe things is a wonderful thing.
Do not put dialogues in bulks, unless it's properly placed. Pacing the events appropriately will help you in this segment. Input some actions in between responses.
Also, unless it's unique to your setting, do not extensively explain concepts that the readers might already know. Although there are novels that have detailed information included in the passages, it is because it's the main theme of their stories, and connects with the occurrences.
There are a lot of threads here that have very good advice. You can look for them. Or ask some authors directly. These are only some of my points and I don't think that it will help much. Please ask me about specifics, so I'll be able to answer you accurately.
mrmrcia ok i got it, and how many words needed in one chapter ?
anime_Lover_8769 It really depends on whether you want your chapter to be lengthy enough. I think 1000 - 1500 words is the average. Good luck on your writing endeavour!
Also, as an advice, make sure that you read the works of the other authors. It will widen your horizon on different writing styles. Each author has a unique method in expressing their imagination.
Have other people review your work, so you will know what you need to improve. There is a thread here that enables you to swap reviews with other authors.
Once again, good luck!
mrmrcia thank you very much
How can I get more readers
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There are no specific tips for this but please, don't stop updating daily. In that case, readers can easily be enchanted by your novel/s if you do so.
Keep writing as soon as it's not against your will. Good luck, author!
Maryixxx Thanks for the advice
anime_Lover_8769 they almost said everything. In case of technicality, I advise you to use Grammarly when writing and power thesaurus if you feel the word you are using is redundant, it will give you ideas too what words to use. And make sure you are writing in a platform that would not mistakenly or accidentally delete what you are writing, use google docs or Microsoft, or Wattpad, then copy-paste in inkstone, If you're forgetful like me, it is best to take notes on the important part that you need to add details on the later part of the novel.
Start to write at least *one chap per day then to two chap and so on.
And most importantly, READ a lot. It is food for the brains.
Check out the book of authors here. Teaches you the fundamentals in 24 chapters
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I'm also a novice writer and I'm pretty good at the art of writing, but I recently realized that often the result of writing depends on the chosen topic. I got the task to write about Dunkin Donuts Demographic Segmentation Analysis but I don’t understand anything at all in this topic, so I’m not sure that I can cope with the task, I will look for examples of articles on similar topics, there are a lot of such sources of examples on the Internet and I’m sure that even experienced writers sometimes resort to their help.
prettydimple Basically, understand the readers and have an award winning idea. Understanding the readers as in what they want to read so you better read some of the famous works on web novel and try to understand what they are looking for and create something similar. Some things I will tell you are that 1) Tragic stories don't do well and 2) You need to give them fulfilment in every chapter. Writing in popular genres will help but you have to stand out from the competition. For example, if you write about a kidnapped girl forced to get married, sold to a vampire, a helpless princess forced to get married but finds love in that marriage, A dominant Alpha and submissive female or if you prefer male lead stories, writing about system will ensure popularity. Alsoo brainstorm as many ideas as you can if you want to keep your readers along the long journey. Novels with 100+ chapters will encourage most readers to read the story so keep writing and update daily. Don't expect to get readers before ch 20, if you do you're lucky and I'm jealous of you.
I know what the famous genres of stories currently are but I don't want to create a story similar to those ones. I don't know if the stories I'm writing are even worth the reads but I want them to be special and unique. I also know that it's gonna be hard to get a huge following especially since I don't write stories that a majority of the readers on here would want to read. So if you're in a similar situation as this, just keep writing. You're such a brave person for not trying to do the same as the majority. Your story may not be noticed just yet but just hold onto that hope that it will some day. Don't forget to also reach out to people and convince them to read your story. You're gonna have to work twice as hard as other writers since you're writing a genre that's not very famous or not currently trending.
anime_Lover_8769 read quality webnovels and take note of what they have done right, and try to implement that to your novel,