BuruxXxRynna I'm reading a great book I can hardly put down. It's romance with mystery and more twists and turns- it keeps you interested. It's called If the Sea forgets You.

    ihateyounot They do! Thank you so much. With this, I’m pretty sure my free time will be filled with reading. Thank you!

      godadi I already have this one in my must read list. If I’m getting a recommendation, it must be really good! I’ll try to get started on it. Thank you so much!

        Zoya_Zahid Two stories in one! Thanks a lot. Don’t usually find the comic version of novels since it’s so difficult, thank you!

          Veronica8 Shamelessness just adds on a whole new world of drama making the book even better! Thank you for the recommendation! It really does sound interesting so I’m quiet excited to check it out!

            SrtaA Oh my goodness Yes!! It’s just my cup of tea! Thank you so much! I really appreciate the recommendation!

            texascann I started this a while back but I completely forgot the title and lost the book! Thank you so much! I hate it when I forget to put it in my library then forget the title! Thank you!

              Hi! I’m a new author and I hope you’d like to read “The Heart of Gaia”. It’s fantasy and adventure so if you have the time please read it.

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