Because content editors are amazing, and some more positivity needs to be spread on the forum. :grin: (Inspired by @Overlord_Venus' thread about well-wishing)
Feel free to show appreciation to the awesome team of content editors below! (Since this is a spread for positivity, please only spread positivity here.)

I'll go first!

@islinda even tho you're technically not my content editor anymore I still really appreciate everything you do!!! literally idk how I would've survived back then if not for your help. you're always very kind and patient and I really think that I'm lucky to be able to go to you for help. :pray: thank you so much for bearing with me and answering all my questions and just being there, overall. I am super grateful and it's difficult for me to really put all my gratitude into words for everything you've done :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: slinslin you are really the best!!


I would love to write more words for the other members of the content editor team, but sadly I don't really know everyone else very well. (will try to in the future!!) I would just like to thank the other content editors though on behalf of all the authors/contracted authors since I'm sure that we would all be dying without your help (not sure how we managed to survive the dark days in the past without y'all). We really appreciate all of your hard work. :sparkling_heart:

    yaoyueyi Thank you so much for creating this thread! ❤️❤️😍 Our CE's indeed work so hard that they definitely need a special thread to thank them 💕💕💕

    @limqianyu - You are a wonderful CE 😭❤️❤️ I have bugged you a lot when we first interacted about my contract getting repeatedly rejected 🙈 but you patiently answered and helped me in all my queries! I am so so sooooooooooooooo glad to have you as my CE!! You have always helped and replied immediately whenever I needed help. Thank you for all your suggestions and feedback for my spirity novel. Without it I couldn't have got the confidence to enter in WSA. It has really helped me a lot to improve! Your chat sessions are also so fun and interesting 🤩 Thank you for taking out the time for us authors from your busy schedule! I know you must have loads of work 😭. You are so cool 😍 Muahh! 😘😘😘

    PS - pls make me that drawing for me too which u made for Islinda, her pfp. I just loved it. It's so cute!🙈❤️😘😋

    @islinda - Though you are not my CE, you are awesome and I know that from the few exchanges we had. Thank you for standing up for fellow author that one time. 😉 That was so badass 😆

    To all the other editors Chloe, Bryce, Hao, JJ, Roy, sadly we haven't talked much but I know how much hard work and effort you are all putting for authors and to make every event a success 😭😘

    A big big hug to all!

    Thank you for your writing seminars. They are so fun and awesome. Looking forward to hear from you again. ❤️

    Muah 😘😘😘 A big cheer to all our awesome Content Editors!

    Yaiii. Let's show some love to our CE's
    @islinda you took a chance with my book and from merely 100 collections, now I have thousands thanks to your faith in me ❤️❤️ Momma linda guided us all and turned us into the amazing writers we are today on webnovel. Thanks for believing in us linda ❤️ (JOY BABA ISLINDA)

    @chloee (why can't I tag you? ;-; ) Is our adorable CE who keeps on pushing us to do our best! You're patient with us even when we ask the dumbest questions. Whenever we need you, you're there to listen and help us. I dont think my new novels would have survived without your help. Plus point, your voice is so cute 😍😍. I wub you 💗💗💖

    @islinda Once my dedicated editor. Islinda has been approachable, professional and informative on the occasions we've interacted. She's been sympathetic to my woes and open to my lame-brain business opportunity suggestions. And for LGBT+ content, her respect for the genre is admirable.

    I especially want to thank her for giving me a reason to finish [To My Sunflower]. I probably would've dropped the story if she hadn't personally offered me the contract opportunity.

    Anyone under her wing is very lucky. She's one of the best Webnovel Content Editors around. Actually, the best.

    I'm being biased as I've had zero interaction with the other editors. So can't comment on them, but figure they work just as hard.

    I vote that @webnovel give their Content Editors a decent pay rise. With all the crap they have to deal with, and remain professional as per their roles, they deserve it and extra bonuses.

    @islinda.... you were my first CE and even though currently all my books under you have finished, but I know you are always there to help me. It is amazing how quickly you solve all our problems and how supportive you have been.

    Also, I really appreciate your ability to speak out what's wrong and what's right, and the patience to listen to each one of us! Thank you for your everlasting support and love!! 😍😍😍
    May you be blessed with best of health and best of everything in life. You are not just an amazing CE but also a wonderful human being!!
    Much Love!

    Dear @limqianyu you are by far the sweetest and nicest CE, I have come across amd I really want to thank you for your everyday guidance and support. You are not just honest and to the point about your suggrstions, but also very quick to answer them.❤❤❤❤
    All my new books are under you, and within a few days you made all my nervouseness to vanish. 💙💙💙

    I can see an upward graph for my books, and I know its all because of your support. Thank you for your patence and your time!!💚💚💚
    I know, I trouble you a lot at times, and you are too cute to accept it all with your cute 'hiehie' and .......💛💛💛💛

    Loads and loads of love and best wished to you!!
    And thank you for your endless hardwork!!!💟💟💟💟
    Much love

    First of all, thank you Yue for this thread @yaoyueyi. This was much needed 🥰❤

    @Chloeee (ish, can't tag it seems), I would like to thank you for always being there. You were my first CE, and you have always been there for me, whether it was answering some silly questions, or some of my rantings. You are an amazing person, and a really good listener. without you, I don't think that my first book would have done this good. So, thank you for all your help and support (not only to me, but all of your authors). Thank you for being yourself. ❤❤❤😍🥰😘

    @islinda I don't know where to begin. You have been nothing but helpful when it came to my second book. You are a wonderful person. From answering to my questions, to solving out issues for me, you have been there to listen and help. You are there to listen to my crazy ideas, and provide input on them without holding anything back (plus you are fun to talk to especially with your crazy games which I enjoy for the record 😍😬). So, thank you for all you have done for me, my book, and your authors. 💖💕💝💗❤💓💞❣

    For the rest of the CEs, I haven't gotten a chance to work with you guys yet, but I know that all of you work hard, and are always there for your authors to listen to them, help them, and provide your support. So, thank you from all of us for your hard work and your support. ❤❤❤


    This is a lovely thread!
    @islinda I would like to extend my appreciation to you for being so professional in your approach and coming up with so many solutions to my woes. I have constantly asked for your advice and you've given them with patience :)
    I am very happy that you are the CE for all my books. I think my book Sugar & Spice was your first book too as a content editor when you joined this platform. ❤️
    Thank you for your continued support and guidance.
    Much Love 😘

    PS: I won't stop troubling you 😉

    Beautiful thread with the beautiful purpose!

    @islinda - You are the first content editor I have interacted with in Webnovel and you have been incredibly helpful, sweet and patient. I can't begin to thank you for just being who you are. Receiving a contract for something like Acceptance was not something that I had honestly expected. No, I mean really, I was just writing it because the WPC prompt intrigued me enough to write and writing emotional complexities has always been something I have been inclined to so I have been so unsure with the contract. However, the day we talked, was the day, you took away all the apprehension I had. You have been so kind in appreciating my writing. It was extremely encouraging. Despite being so occupied and busy, you have always replied and been there whenever I messaged. You have been the best you could.

    @limqianyu I have never personally interacted with you but I know you, because of my sister. She has always told me how lovely you are. Always ready to help in whatever ways possible. Thank you.

    Like I have always mentioned, I tremendously appreciate the work you all do. Handling so many people, their queries, their complaints, their anger, their disappointments on a daily basis is no joke. The patience, professionalism and maturity that you all have is something that I deeply admire.


    I had a very rough week last week, coupled with a health scare on Friday that turned out to be a false alarm, so I've returned to work with a new perspective.

    Having said that, seeing all these touching messages just made me cry. Thank you so much to everyone who wrote here. I will reach out to each of you personally with a reply and my heartfelt thanks.

      @hao (,tags not working) I am really thankful to you for you being helpful and always responding to my often stupid queries and explaining them clearly. And thanks for giving my book a chance. It really raised my morale to learn more and improve. You're awesome😄🤩🤩🤩
      I have also had some interactions with @limqianyu and she was also patient and helpful.
      I hadn't talked with anyother CE but I know all the CE's are extermely busy with thousands of authors like us and they take out time to reply to us, which is really worth appreciation. 🤩🤩😍😍😍😘

      yaoyueyi Twinnie thank you for giving us an opportunity to shower our amazing content editors with love like this! They truly all deserve it.

      Honestly, Islinda, I am so happy that I pushed myself to message you that first time. I was so nervous thinking I would be such a bother but I sent the message. You were so patient, laid back and answered my questions truthfully. After the first bit of advice you gave and how much you encouraged me, i was literally praying you would be the CE for my book haha. It didn't turn out that way, and after that I thought we would not be on the same terms. But you were still so supportive, cheering me on, congratulating me when my book got a small feature and so on. It really stuck with me and as much as i HATE to admit it, this little ( pfft I'm just saying this to be cute. I am strong and mighty) turtle LOVES ISLINDA!!!! I had so much fun laughing when you threatened to steal me book haha and when you said you had a voodoo doll for me that you poked each night. ( So you love me that much eh? wink wink)
      Anyway, I just want to say that you should know that you're loved. I can't imagine how hard your job must be with so many books and authors to manage with plus even me who isn't assigned to you hahaha. But when you get tired, please take proper rest and remember that we are all thankful and appreciate your hard work and support. You've been so instrumental on this platform and I'm sure many authors feel the same in the regard that you've truly helped us to be better at what we want to do.
      I hope you're doing well! Stay healthy. And hmu for some chocolate cake. I won't put poison in it, I'm not you xD
      dis almighty turtleboiii


        Thank you so much for always being patient with me. I know I ask things in super long messages that must be a pain to read, but you've always been patient and kind. Thank you for all the support even though I'm sure I make your work harder 😭😭
        I will try my best to work hard so that your hard work also pays off. Please take care of me in the time to come, but don't forget to take care of yourself 😂😂😂
        Turtle sends immense love ❤️❤️🥺

        Seriously though the CEs here need a pay raise🥺

        Guys lets sign a petition haha

        Sorry I do not know everyone and most likely have not interacted with other content editors, but thank you all for your hard work and constant support. You guys deserve an award! Please stay safe and healthy especially in this time!! Love you all ❤️❤️❤️

        @islinda Wasn't going to reply to this post initially (sorry I was really lazy ;-;) but saw your response about how you had a really rough week last week and just wanted to tell you to feel better! Honestly, I don't think I would still be writing here if it weren't for you. Like even if I did, I don't think that I would have stayed true to my original intentions if it weren't for all your encouragement. I'm not a super expressive person when writing these, but I just wanted to say thank you soooo much - Like honestly you're the best. You just have so much character and are just so chill??? You literally single-handedly broke all the stereotypes of content editors that I had in mind lolol

        @limqianyu Thank you so much for bearing with my stupid questions about everything ;-; Like thank you for being endlessly patient with me and answering everything super thoughtfully! You're honestly super sweet and kind. Honestly I don't know how you do it. If I were you I probably would have told me to scram off by like the second dumb question I asked. Thank you sooo much for all your support! -

        Well I just want to say WN content editors are the most humble, hardworking people I have ever met. And I have met a lot of people in this life.
        Even though I'm a newbie and have rarely interacted with them I can see from how they talk to us and how they fight for original novels to the extent of working on weekends too.

        Thank you guys so much! One-day when I get rich and open my company I'm going to steal you guys from WN hahaha💞😆(•‿•)
        So WN better hold you guys well or I'm stealing you guys from them soon..

        @Chloee( hope I spelled the name well😅)
        You're the most humble person I have ever seen thank you so much for everything! I see you working overtime and I'm like why is she still online!
        If it were not for you I would have given up on the contract after being rejected 8 times. Thank you for your patience in explaining things.

        Guys please check on your editors once a while don't chat them only when you need something. A little Hy can make a difference. Even though I panic myself Everytime I sent the Hy then delete it becuz I'm afraid I will be bothering them but let all of us be shameless from now!!

        @Chloeee You are the most patient and friendly person I have ever met. You were always there whenever I needed you. You went out of your way to help the troublemaker me so many times. I just want to say thank you so much for showing me the path to follow as an author. I am the author that I am now because of you. You are such a wonderful person. I am so glad to have you as my CE. Lot of hugs and kisses from me. 💞💞💖💖❤💖

        @Chloeee I feel blessed to have you as my CE. You always listened to my problems and have tried to give a solution. I know I have bothered you a lot, but still you never ignored me and answered to all my stupid questions. Thanks for being there. Idk if I can get you as my CE in the future well but just know that I love you. 💜💜


        you're only a bit cool. hmph. but thanks for making cool jokes and being very interactive.

        @Chloeee youre the best and prettiest CE!!! thanks for answering my questions when i was contracting

        I am not like the other people who gives much of detail about the content editors but I have to give my deepest thanks for Bryce he is helped me to know about webnovel and always looked into my problems and I have to thanks to my new editor who helped me in most of the contract problems which his name is JJEditor :)

        a year later
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