Depends on the content of the review. That's my answer! Senseless reviews without content, criticisms, or any value needs to be deleted. I do not really care about my ratings since there is no perfect novel. What I care is that for people to actually give insightful and constructive reviews no matter how much they hurt. The type of reviews where it really try to reach out to the author.

If I am just reading emojis I might as well delete them!

a month later

Zetheryl I used to put real reviews that I'd write for ten plus minutes for. Then I put 1 stars and fives consisting of 'Horrible english' and 'good novel' with enough spaces to fill the character limit. Then I stopped all together. No use putting anything below a four and no point in adding to the spam of "EXP".

It's not like I need exp inside this app.

Zetheryl I used to put real reviews that I'd write for ten plus minutes for. Then I put 1 stars and fives consisting of 'Horrible english' and 'good novel' with enough spaces to fill the character limit. Then I stopped all together. No use putting anything below a four and no point in adding to the spam of "EXP".

It's not like I need exp inside this app.

    a month later

    Yeah there's definitely authors out there straight up abusing this. I know one story in particular almost all negative reviews are deleted. But the 5 star reviews posted by the same people over and over stay up lol. I bet his story would drop almost below a 4 if he didn't prop it up.

    shelwyn Yeah negative reviews get deleted but the 5 star spams don't. It's especially not worth taking the time to write out a lengthy honest review when you know it's probably just going to be deleted.

    Michael_Ryman Ok so what about the authors deleting legitimate reviews? I read one story all the way to around chapter 800 and something changed in the story that completely ruined it. I left a genuine and honest review because I felt like other people would probably like to know before getting 800 chapters in. Came back awhile later and it's gone. Started looking and found that almost all reviews under 4 stars are deleted while all the 5 star spams are kept. The authors can and do abuse the system just as bad as anyone else.

      I find that there are always more 5 stars spam reviews than 1 stars spam.

      if you delete bad reviews because they don't contain any criticism or because they didn't read long enough, you should do the same with every good review. Because 5 stars means PPERFECTION, which I doubt people use correctly since people vote 5 stars for every novel that they barely like

      Readers can delete reviews/comments too! Might not be as often, but it happens.

      I had this...somewhat obsessive reader posting condescending comments on almost every chapter in my story (and many paragraphs), calling my protagonist gay and using homophobic slurs. Apparently there was one time he posted the same comment twice (or double posted), and I think he deleted one of them. Since I usually respond through Inkstone, I didn't know he deleted one of them, so I replied to the first one. He received the notification in his inbox (or so I guess) and saw that I was replying to a deleted comment.

      Guess what happened? He copied and pasted one of his comments, ranting about how my protagonist is a beta cuck white knight, etc. and then claimed that I deleted his comment. I was like, I've never deleted any of your comments, what the f are you talking about? He then proceeded to point me toward the WRONG comment...only to embarrass himself by admitting that he thought I deleted his insulting comment about beta cucks and whatever (way to jump into conclusions) and thus he decided to "out" me by copying and pasting the deleted comment (which I didn't delete because I had never deleted any of his comments at all, and he found out too late). And then he proceeded to declare that he will continue trolling me after an insincere apology.

      So I pointed out that maybe, just maybe he deleted a double-copied comment of his own, and then he fell silent after that. And not before he deleted his inflammatory review.

      Yeah, Readers Can and Will Delete Reviews/Comments too.

      4 months later

      Yo gonna say it like it is this Dan fellow is an arrogant tosspot thats really just a mongrel among dogs. Iv ended up here down the rabbit hole of the internet and lets put it this way Ebay Amazon any other review system i believe is third party managed. I leave a shitty review on some resteraunt or a spam call company for legitimate reasons on google and theyre still up probably because they have no access to delete and theyre honest reviews. You want to be scammed on ebay with five star reviews buy an item then when something else is delivered put a warning 1 star review just to have it deleted its fucked up guys that this is what happens here. Nobody should be able to censor shit with a bias and yes troll reviews on chp 0 should be deleted by a moderator team same with those exp 5 stars. Just to point out that Dan your a fuckin idiot iv read this post and one other so far about you its ridiculous why you try to defend yourself when the evidence is there youve just made yourself look like an absolute tosspot. God forbid powers like these were ever given to any democrasy otherwise you would see someone like Putin only allow people to vote for him and noone else. Your really sick in the head man you really are petty and delusional if you believe half the crap you spout on here about people being trolls when your just aiming for a profit.

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