N0xiety your analogy is funny, but sad too since it is true.
Entitled authors are rampant on this platform hence I do not trust the rating of any original story.
I also read the first chapter of the author's book you answered to and tbh it's just real bad spit and might contain viruses ;) It feels like a 10 year old kid is trying to convey that the protagonist is evil, real evil, like do you get it? he is evilest evil can get... like evil evil evil... and he thinks he is evil like all the time thinking he is evil and should become more evil so he can reign evil above all those evil, but who are not as evil as he is, since he is the most evil evil out there.
Sorry about that :D could not help to not make a little joke there.
Some writing style is just like punching you in the face, repeatedly, and since you tried telling the authors this fact once and they react with spite, get personal and insult you then just let it go. Let them stay the bad writer that they are, no need to give criticism or waste time on an ungrateful person.
There is so much more positive things you can do or nice people who you can work with or influence.
People will eventually realize that being overprotective of their writing is hurting themselves and getting fake compliments is actually hurting their growth, but when that time comes it might be to late and they fked it up too much already :D
Like those authors having "no time" to correct their weaknesses.