
  • Feb 5, 2024
  • Joined Jul 31, 2019
  • Sneakycat098 Thanks I appreciate it. I actually know how much work goes into these things. i design most of my webnovel covers myself and have drawn lots over the past 14years. I have won art contests and had even celebrities see my artwork. But I also know I am slow at it and like one chapter is going to take me over like a month to complete, when ti will take greedy readers like all of five minutes to enjoy and then beg for more and complain why there isn't more content. I have over 6million reads when you add up all my novels on multiple sites So I have a fanbase, and I know they want to see it as a webcomic. I know it could do super well as a webcomic. Webtoons do better than novels always. So if the reach is this high on it as a novel then it will do fine as a webtoon. I fell like webtoons are given more opportunities to become tv or movie titles too. I just hate the way our society is becoming so bite sized and how libraries of novels are almost unnecessarry at this point. I wish there was more we could do to help ourselves. Or protect our works we love and care for.

  • I write novels and my art is pretty decent. But it takes me too much time to draw to make a webcomic feasible in my busy life (with inflation rising everywhere who has time for anything but work part of the problem I think). I work three jobs and am a single mom. There just doesn't seem enough time to draw a whole comic myself so I am not sure I want to spend the lengthy time to turn my novel into a webtoon. I spent five years writing 250,000 words for my main novel, and it has done well on most sites. But I feel like the disconnect between novels and comics is huge and like the novel econemy in general is at a big disadvantage! Like super large. The amount of interest in novels seems comapratively little when you see the reach on webcomics on every social media platform. Novels are not promotable easily on sites like instagram or snapchat, twitter, tiktok. These sites are made for bite sized content that con be consumed instantly. A novel takes up time, concentration and falling into another world. It's supposed to be lengthy and pull you away from yourself. I feel like with the culture to have everything quick they seem to be fitting less and less into our society overall. So I am curious about your thoughts on the matter. Do you guys also feel this way? Are novels just becoming more obsolete in western society as people only have time in their day for webtoons?

    • RomanceFanatic028 It is really starting to bug me how much people are fetisizing hurting and harming people and making it romantic. Stop it. It's not sexy to abuse, stalk, almost rape, or torture your loved one.
      Stop writing this stuff authors.

      • Noire Maybe tencent knows they have enough clout to be overlooked.

        They do. hahahaha. And they will use the ground up bones of their authors and translators to wipe the money stains from their nails.

        • CrispyCritter But you seem to be proposing that if WebNovel pays for professional line-editing, that all of its webnovels will suddenly be equal in quality to this cream of the cream, and thus be worth the prices WebNovel is charging? I think you will agree that's nonsense. But I have no other way to interpret your statements.

          Webnovels editors have 1600 webnovels they have to manage per person, and more coming in every day. Some of their newly hired authors are nine year olds that had to get their moms and dads to sign away their human rights (idiot parents honestly) and they can't even be paid a decent wage by webnovel. I doubt webnovel is going to let go of any of the money they are hoarding for themselves. They steal from the authors. They overwork and don't even treat their authors and their editors as human beings. I wouldn't hold your breath on the professional line editor thing. XD lol.

          • CrispyCritter Not to mention that that 288 dollars you spent probably only what I wanna say maybe 50-60 of it went to the author.

            • Geisa_Gomes god knows they won't drop it.

              ..... uuhhhh. Authors on here still drop novels when they are around 600 chapters. XD

              • Shubhangi_Kene You can not delete books you have put on webnovel. Be prepared to be disappointed if you are sitting and thinking you can. Any novel put on here free or premium cannot be deleted. Only if it is free can you delete all of the chapters inside it.... But the novel itself cannot ever be removed. It's how they make sure you are stuck. It's also how they make it look like there are more books on the site than there are. Also its why there are so many half written abandoned stories. Because it is a content farm and they encourage, not writing well, or even completion just more and more books.
                Also Honest review swap is in itself a thread showing just how much you can't trust the reviews on this site. ... Stay away from review swapping. Because you are not even having your demographic that read your story reading it. Just some random person who also wants a read. Mundane example here: They could very well hate your sci-fi romance and call it trash. When in reality your book in itself may not be the problem. But rather the fact that they only read twilight fantasy novels and love simps who daddy this and daddy that. So the review saying your book sucks, is off base and can actually throw away all your actual real customers. Because you review swapped with the wrong audience. But had too because a lot of these threads are swap with the last commentator. Which honestly, doesn't work for twister and is even worse idea for how to run critiquing books.

                • EternalNightLotus Pfft they have endless free time because they swap but you can read 300 chapter books in less than a day. Hello kettle how are you?

                  Anyway, I am not a fan of review swaps regardless, but I do agree everyone tries it once or twice on here. But the sheer amount of it going on, on webnovel is a new class of ridiculous.

                  Wookiesmuggler . you are absolutely right, its dumb, and it is a broken system. But what do you expect when the site itself is just one big heap of broken. Especially what they offer in way of writing tools for authors.

                  • The_Rational_Man True the model they are running now is not sustainable. And pirates take the privileged chapters on the big novels anyway so the excuse they used its barely valid. XD

                    I would be all for better ways to pay authors.

                  • Veronica8 I honestly disagree, if you drop a novel you can create a google document transfer all your work there and then delete it so it has no chapters. That way throw away novels are not cluttering up the site. Yeah sure it will still show a title and a book cover, but when someone clicks on it there would be 0 chapters nothing to read. Honestly all authors should be doing this. You don't lose the work and you don't clutter the site either. Since webnovel makes it impossible to delete novels.

                    • Dante_Carter_6387 You didn't check all the categories. I update up to four chapters a day and am 100's of chapters in updating steadily without break, and I know lots of others like me. If you look you can find them. It's just hard because webnovel doesn't categorize by newest updated. If there was a button that sorted by this criteria it would be absolutely amazing.

                      Stares at webnovel blankly....

                    • Jeshmin you can always save up your fast passes and keep reading dear. It only takes a week of watching a ad a day to get a fast pass every day of the week and you can get 7 locked chapters of your favorite novel.

                      • Jeshmin Two of Mine are BL and are called Tie Him To Me and If It's Your Touch. But I also have a book called Lines Crossed which is hetero. I write modern fantasies. But Tie Him To Me's book series has it's own created mythology based off real mythologies mixed together to create my own worlds, version of it.

                      Web Novel Novel Ask