Has "Its Not Easy to be a Man After Travelling to the Future" been dropped?

    I got a feeling that My Senior Brother is Too Steady and My Disciples Are All Villains will be dropped soon...

      Azzatan Has "Its Not Easy to be a Man After Travelling to the Future" been dropped?

      Not dropped by WebNovel or the translators, but the original author had to stop for a break for "mental health reasons" over a year ago and has not started up again yet. The translators have now translated all that has been written!

        I think the problem is the fast pass. Because one fast pass can unlock any chapter, even the bigger ones. So novels like Tales of Herding Gods or Kingdon bloodline, that have giant chapters, lose lots of income.

        They probably had from 1 to 5 chapters per week and in one week webnovels gives at least 21 fast passes, so probably most of the readers didn't pay for the chapters.

          Vinicius_Almeida if fast pass is the problem, but they are the one who make those fastpass. I think they gonna make fastpass gone too. Because they already make the cost to unlock chapters for some account muliplied by 100x coins needed. If fastpass is also gone, I guess its the end of webnovel for those accounts. (mine included).

            There is no point to the fastpass if it kills translations. Either remove it or rework it imho.

              Has "So You're Such a Doctor Song" been dropped? The last update was nearly a month ago. TIA


                Wasn't that one of the Trial reads that got selected????

                Also, Rocketduh

                Abyss Domination (586 chapters remaining) seems to have been dropped...I mean they really are just kicking us right in the nuts with these cause I had JUST found that novel the day before it dropped...

                  Some of these fics have sub 100 chapters left over. One thing I've noticed, is that WN tends to do this a lot. They get to the end of a story and then... drop or delay it. When God of Slaiughter was ending, they literally took a multi-month hiatus before the last 40 chapters. In a 2k chapter story that we had been following for years. Done this with many fics— delays or drops right when we reach the finish line.

                  It's actually aggravating and also hard for us to put in trust and fund new novels. Sure the novels themselves might be great but... if you're gonna drop them at the end it's like we put in a ton of money and yet are forever fated to never read the ending of the story. It's truly cruel to your readers.

                  may_may Dang it!!! Thanks for letting me know. Much appreciated. ✌

                    Nine astra skies hasn’t been updated for 3ish months now, no explanation given just no updates. I could understand if they at least gave people a heads up so they could avoid using coins and passes and what not but they seemingly can’t be bothered.

                      I think She Became A Heartbreaker After Entering A Novel has also been dropped. It has been a month since the alst update.

                        4 days later

                        How about Martial Art Master? Is it completed or dropped or just gone a long time update like the last time?

                          JustbehappyReader Martial Art Master is completed at 753 chapters (based on novelupdates.com info)
                          The other dropped is World Best Martial Artist.

                            Rocketduh 😭😭😭 no my Anarchic consort, why, why? Its like 1000 more Chapter and your done

                              I grant my comrades, the updated list! The new dropped novel list of 130 novels!

                              Plus, I grant you all the SUPER LIST. The new, almost complete, dropped trial novel list of 262 novels! This is up to date as of October 29th. I seriously went and found all the trial novels. If I missed any, it's bad website programming by webnovel.

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