This thread is great. While Isekai’s aren’t always bad, I find most are. In fact, I’m inspired to write a bad one myself! I’ll incorporate some tricks I’ve picked up on this website:
GOD KILLER a short isekai by Shadowdrake27
“I hate god!” Character 1 screams. He immediately gets hit by a truck.
“Oh no, that’s bad,” the narrator points out, breaking the fourth wall for no reason.
“Why am I still conscious?” Character 1 asks while looking at his flattened body. “I’m deader than a dead dead-thing.”
“I’ve decide to reincarnate you because of a reason,” god 1 says.
“Wow, I’ve always loved you, good 1! How many super powers can I have in my new life?”
“As many as you want. Who cares about balance and conflict in a story!”
“That’s so generous!” The narrator points out.
“In that case, I’ll have all of them!” says character 1.
“Zap! You have every power ever made ever, like ever-ever. For real, any power ever thought of you have,” god 1 says.
“Then I’m going to kill you god 1!”
“What? I’m shocked that you would do that. Why are you killing me?”
“Because I can now, and I have epic plot-armor as the main character!”
“Dang, you got me. Well played...”
“God killer emoji ray! -__- 😊👍🏼😎🐈”
“OMG emojis are super cool,” the narrator comments.
“Ouch!” God 1 says. “I’m dead! His emoji ray was so powerful that it killed me! Because I am dead, you are a god now. Wow, I can’t believe I was replaced by a human. Whoops, I’m still talking even though I died!”
“What awesome comic relief!” The narrator shouts in a shocked voice because he is shocked.
“I’m a god now!” Character 1 yells.