Cless Aren't you going to use the SS? It would be dumb to complain that you can't open premium chapters because they are locked when you have the Spirit stones. SS are not decorations, they have a use. "can't teach s_____d."
Library of Heaven’s Path (Premium)
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shelwyn nope, if you'd have read my earlier posts, you'd think otherwise. My recent posts where only there to prove that you cannot compare patreon and premium system, so every post stating that this is better than patreon, is baseless, since they are 2 totally different services with different offers/benefits.
But hey, your post just fits with nearly every other pro premium post here, with their lack of facts and resorting to bashing of free readers or ppl with (based) opinions.
okay, now just go to amazon and search random paperback novel, it would cost around 10$ each.
and that is a whole book with proper english.
heck, even japanese novel with hardcover and great quality paper and ilustration are around 13$, on kindle even less. try search danmachi, overlord, death march, youjo senki, etc, paperback it's all around 13$ or less.
do you know that patreon cost more because it is not intended for everyone.
patreon allows the content creator to get money from content they made, basically you 'hire' them directly to keep making content as a support, and as a gratitude they give you some exclusive content according to your contribution.
while now they are on qidian, they already got paid by qidian, and qidian sells the product to us, and they only got miniscule of what you paid in SS as an extra bonus.
And now everyone that wants to read premium chapter are required to pay inflated prices.
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At first?
I only wanted to stock them because sometimes I don't have the time to read.
Someday I got more time so I do my own mass release:
10 lohp chapter unlocked for example so I can read quietly.
For now it's ok I have some ss but later my stock going to hit 0.
Witch mean gain 30 free ss and 30 ss who expire.
So everyday I can only 3~4 chapter "premium" and if I don't read it's wasted because I can't stock ss anymore.
Fun fact: qidian give free ss but take them back 1 month later so it's more a rent ss than free ss
Cless 30 free SS a day in 30 days is 900 SS that you can use to unlock chapters. Use it before it expires. What are you complaining about hitting zero balance on SS when you are getting it for free and you even have a chance to read locked chapters?
It is totally different from renting. When you rent an apartment or a car, you have to pay a fee.
Yeah my bad, more like a lending than rent... ( not my language maternal)
Got some ss but no chapter to unlock ( already think about that and already unlocked all novel I read).
Did I need to unlock other chapter I don't read so I can't waste them?
And 30 ss expire everyday.
So the fact didn't change: 1 day or another, I going to hit 0 ss and only read 3~4 premium chap every day or I waste them.
Unless I brought ss but it's too expensive for my thirst.
I'm ok to paid for the work done, something like Netflix:10 15$ per month.
But their system is too expensive for me.
Wolfeinstein I just got 10 ss
Cless lol you are talking with Qidians secondary account, what did you expect xD One thing I found with this Qidian is that China apparently has too different culture from the western world. Things that for us look totally shameless or even stupid for them they sound genius ideas. Or so I guess from what I can see.
The premium system is something that is needs to be revised. The system would be alright if they changed the prices. The prices and not nearly worth the stone amounts they represent. If you read Library of heavens path its 12 stones a chapter, triple normal. If they want this to work they need to make stones cheaper or something. That being said as someone who doesn't lack money I bought a ton of stones to support the authors and translators.
shelwyn I don't see a reason not to have both the spirit stones you can purchase/earn from daily logins etc, aswell as a subscription service, if i only read 1 premium novel, a sub service wouldn't be for me, but if i read many of them, it makes more sense for me to subscribe, also it's a lot less hassle.
Tbh i don't feel comfortable paying for a currency people earn daily for free.
Regarding this, just an example (i live in germany btw and for a lot of books it is like this: 1 book in englisch = 2 books in german)
I had to pay 18 € for Patrick Rothfuss' The Wise Mans Fear Part One = 860 Pages
I also had to pay 18 € for Pathrick Rothfuss' Slow Regard of Silent Things = 160 Pages
See the difference? I didnt care tho, because 1.) The price of all the books are fixed, nothing i can do here and 2.) i fcking love Patrick Rothfuss' Books and those 160 Pages are worth a lot more than 99% of all those translated webnovels. Maybe those Chinese Novel (or japanese or korean or what not) are very good in its original language...but they loose a lot of charme with its translations because it is not professional (dont say it is!)
Dont say i talk bad about those novel (well i guess i did that but thats not the point). I love reading those Novel not because they are top notch. I love it because its fun. Its good to kill time and to have fun at the same time. But the price for those Premium Chapters is not worth the fun it brings (imo). And if you pay? What will you do then? If you pay for 100 Chapters (its around 20 $ for LOHP i guess, didnt check it) you can read 100 Chapters ahead. But then you have either to wait around 3 months for your next free chapter..So you have to wait 3 months or to pay again. its not worth it (and that is just 1 novel)
I dont know what you guys will do, but i wont pay anything because i know myself..if i start to pay for chapters i will either drop the novel because im impatient or start to pay even more and that isnt something i can afford. I will rather way for those 7 chapters/week and enjoy it like this as long as i can (doubt it can for long anyway..that premium system cant sustain itself for long)
Frk_ozbk and that's my biggest gripe. I DO have a job and I DO pay for "premium", but why I have to be punished for supporting the novels when I can afford it? Now, I have responsabilities like kids, house and etc so I pay when and in the amount I can, I do not dislike paying but now since I payed for all my novels I don't get the "free" chapters, s what's the incentive? Before I could go and support one premium and wait for the "free buffer" to build up, then read the buffer and let the others build up but now, since I payed I have to wait for the free ones to catch up with every single chapter I payed for then build up the "free buffer" so instead of rewarding me for paying I'm on double wait, isn't that retarded? Not even touching the pricing scheme, but unless the "free" releases count from the latest chapter I unlocked I see no reason to even go and buy SS. And the saddest thing is that nobody has even addressed the issue, I only see buyers asking the same question but nobody of the "defenders" have an answer for this. In short, unless you go full pay2read on the novels you shouldn't use SS at all, you don't get an extra, no plus, nothing. (And early reading is moot since when you stop paying you have to wait the same time anyways).
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"That's also why we need to go with the Premium system which can easily track how much each Premium title earns per month. Afterwards, we split the whole revenues among all creators including translators, editors, and authors, and only take a portion to support our business."
Are you trying to say that without this premmium model you don't have any other way of tracking how much each premmium novel "earn"? Really? C'mon. That's bull and you know. The reason for this model is for maximum profit.
"That's what we have been doing in the past 15 years in China. Otherwise how do you imagine so many full-time webnovel authors survive?"
I don't know if you realise, but here isn't china bro. A model that works in china probably won't work in USA or England... especially because the community isn't chinese... here we have americans, brazilians, mexicans, indians, etc.. i think that premmium isn't a bad thing per say, but your model isn't good and wasn't well thought. Because you didn't considere the community.
"Frankly, I won't say we don't care about the losses, we do. But we rather care about the whole industry's development and even the whole ecosystem than the loss itself. That's why we introduced the PFF to balance the benefits between creators and readers."
Again, you tell this but you clearly didn't take in account the guys saw the possibility of a reveneu and tried to eat up the hole cake in one bite...