• Balabala...
  • What inspired you to write? Who is your role model author?

Previously when I wrote stories I just did that because I loved writing stuff. Especially creating a universe which I liked to imagine and then make up characters who would go on adventures in that universe. Later I became one of those people who would spend the day staring at the ceiling and imagining stories but never writing anything.

This time around I wasn't inspired by a good author or an amazing novel in particular. I was actually frustrated into it by reading things that made me want to bash my head against the wall, written in too many novels.
I started working on a story that would be set in cultivation setting but it would not have moments that make me lose braincells.
Before I got too far in writing, I realized I had nowhere to post my story so I made an account on webnovel. Then I saw the prompts for the events and decided to write for them.
That is my current level. One day I will post the story I was frustrated into writing. But for now I'm just writing because I like the prompts.


    My love for reading and discovery of writing websites (specifically chooseyourstory.com) that allow you to publish your own stories for feedback (as well as read other people’s work) inspired me to start writing.

    My role model authors are a few famous authors like Charles Dickens, author of A Tale of Two Cities, and a few “peers” from the above mentioned website. To name a few, Mizal and Gower have written a few stories there.

    My current novel is a story that I started elsewhere and am transferring here because I want to make it linear and continue it on my phone. It’s about a wizard who can only use dark magic (dark like the element). He isn’t evil, but dark magic is illegal. This puts him in a situation where he is seen as the villain and has to overcome that to be a hero. To add to the irony, the real villain uses light magic.


      Mine's really not an inspiration inspiration thing. My very first book was to mock cliche stories that I've been reading about. Took some of the parts of those and patched some things. Until I kind of got more into it, then began thinking. And then I actually got serious. Only that I dropped it and has a hard time continuing.

        Wow...to mock cliche stories (y) that's pretty interesting. Well, there's a lot of parodies movies or songs that intended to mock existing movies/songs. Then why not? Keep on writing, bro!

        Wow! Then I guess I will read a real historical fiction. I've never heard of Anna Komnenos, but I'm very familiar with Luo Guanzhong author of RoTK. I like RoTK too :)
        Keep on writing bro!

          What inspired me to write:
          my love for history and wuxia (chivalrous heroic) stories.

          My role model authors:
          A lot. I would say Jin Yong and Liang Yusheng who inspired me a lot in the wuxia genre. Er Yuehe, Sun Haohui and Luo Guanzhong inspired me a lot in historical fiction/ historical romanticization. CS. Lewis in his easy but philosophical writing style.

          My current writing/novel:

          Records Of The Immortals
          Actually the novel is my attempt to make a historical romanticization of Chinese history during Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Era.

          I try to stick to keep 70-90% of the historical accuracy; which actually makes me have to spend more on reading and researching rather in writing. :D :D

          Charles Dickens :) That's really cool! I also agree, it's really awesome to be able to share our story in a website like this.

          Btw, what is your novel name or link? Keep on writing, and good luck!

            My current work is "The Records of a Testy Cynic". It's currently only in it's initially phases.
            It isn't the kind of novel that I was frustrated into writing. It's just something I came up while thinking about what to write for the WPF event.
            Currently just a weird serial one shot-esque novel.


              It will be called “The DarK Master” but it’s not started yet. I’m being a perfectionist and not releasing chapter 1 just yet. I have some other books out right now if that’s what you are looking for.

              I'll say that the one that makes me write on WN is one of the original authors in here. The name is lynerparrel, the author of Adopted Soldier.

              The one that inspired me to write was WN (or in the sense, a bug in WN)
              My role model author is Gu Zhen Ren (The author of Reverend Insanity). This book is epic and I strive to one day write such a masterpiece.
              I am the author of Psychic Parasite. I must say, I pretty much simp this novel, haha.

              It's been my passion, even before I was smart enough to realize it (kindergarten stage or somewhere around that). If someone/something inspired the kid me back then, I don't remember who/what it was.

              They are many, but I aspire to write horror like Stephen King, psychosis like Tappei Nagatsuki and do the overall setup and mystery building like Hajime Isayama. As a result, certain things about my writing style has become somewhat similar to them. :laughing:

              I currently am, and will be for the next 4 years at least, writing A Psychic's Scarlet Dream. Unless this one is over, I doubt I will try writing anything else. (I once did try actually, some months ago, but I couldn't really balance my time so now that's on hiatus and I probably won't try it again)

              It is frustrating to say.....but that *****, Mad Snail did inspire me.
              But I hate him for not completing TDG....and so I started writing to surpass him. ....but I don't see it happening in near future....
              My current book is The Ancient Genes.....it has gone a lot of ups and downs with me... If u give the whole a book a read....u can see my entire journey as an author and this what I get from the comments of my reader and it is not a joke....

              I don't know what started it. Maybe my 7 years of reading experience or my colourful imagination or Maybe both, I'm not sure. But this Quarantine did give me the opportunity to work on it. And I found out I love writing so much.
              Favorite author, hmm that's an easy one. I would say its Shadowdrake27. He was the one who taught me how to make my writing better. Km not kidding. I feel like our readers teach us more than any person could.
              My current works are Death Goddess Reborn, This Crayfish Is Not Edible and Sky Descent. I've still got a lot of room for improvement though. Still working on bringing more feelings to my characters.

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