Tomoyuki Tomoyuki im just saying the truth and also im not a 5 star abuser who spam 5 star review with an exp, nonsence review, etc, this is why the rating of webnovel is a joke
also flattery/ass licking is the same.

came from google
Flattering and arse-licking are semantically related. In some cases you can replace term "Flattering" with "Arse-licking", this terms are similar.
see even google agree with me flattering and ass licking is the same i just used the more crude words of the two

    asaade_ragnarokm You are missing my point. Like I said, it doesn't matter whether you are right or not regarding the flattery comment. Even if we assume that the guy was flattering him or whatever, how does that justify your abusive comments? Let's say he flattered the dudes. So what?

    You insulted the author, calling him trashy. You threw around the words "beta" and "pussy." You gave him 1.5 star, resorted to hyperbole. You lied that the guy was groveling at other people's feet (I'll give you the kissing shoes and ass licker thing since you want your hyperbole so badly but the groveling obviously never happened) so that he "can sleep better." All because the protagonist "flattered" a teammate that he defeated earlier? All he did was praise them with a couple of sentences - he didn't do anything beyond that, such as ingratiating himself with them, being subservient or allowing them to order him around. Instead, he's the one instructing them. How do those couple of "ass licker" sentences from the protagonist justify your abusive and inflammatory reaction? And you insist that you're not being dishonest, unfair and abusive?

    To top it off, when someone calls you out on your bs (albeit in an excessive and rude manner, and he shouldn't have done that), you turn around and accuse him of delivering death threats, and come running to authority to get him banned even though you were the aggressor who started the whole thing with your abusive comments. You appear to be the type who want to preserve your license to insult others because you think you are safe, typing away your abuse on a keyboard behind your computer screen, but get all wimpy when someone else attacks you. And then gloat about how he's going to get banned or punished (taunting him for being "afraid"). Yet ironically you think you don't deserve punishment for the insults you dish out.

    Also, while it's definitely rude, Lieutenant Loli telling you to die in a fire is not a death threat. You know what a death threat is? A reader sending me a PM on Discord telling me that he will track me down through my IP address and shoot me in my house if I "shamelessly" continue writing and updating my story. Or maybe when someone literally tells me to go kill myself because I obviously have no hope of ever becoming a good writer. But someone telling me that he hopes that I die in a fire because he hates my story isn't a death threat. Even when a reader says something like he wants to throw his computer at me, that doesn't count as a physical threat because he obviously is being metaphorical. Honestly, you're just trying to justify your insults of others while turning around and complaining to the authorities when other people attack you. And that's downright disgusting.

      I have seen various guys giving reviews based on the cover or some past work or sometimes review itself the modification should be made in the review system...Webnovel should do something like royalroad where reviews are not allowed if the reader hasn't read the book .developers should modify it something like u need to read certain numbers of chapters or amt of time spent on the book before reaching the threshold to give a review

      I also want to say something about this; for all those readers please listen to this. Be careful with your words because once the've been said they can only be forgiven but not forgotten. Physical abuse may hurt but only for a short period of time but mental abuse stays and never leaves the victim's brain. It crushes them bits by bits until they can't take it anymore. There are 3 things you can't recover: the word after it's said, the moment after it's missed and the time it's gone. Words are a dangerous tool and one wrong move can take a person's lives. So viewers please refrain from using your words to do harsh things and instead keep it to yourself.

      Tomoyuki here i google it for you again
      Synonyms of 'grovel'
      humble yourselfverb crawlverb

      1 (verb) in the sense of humble yourself
      Definitionto behave excessively humbly towards someone, esp. a superior, in an attempt to win his or her favour
      I refuse to grovel to anybody.
      humble yourself
      brown-nose (taboo, slang)
      bow and scrape
      kiss ass (taboo, slang)
      lick someone's boots
      lick someone's arse (taboo, slang)
      bootlick (informal)
      demean yourself
      abase yourself
      See examples for synonyms
      be proud, intimidate
      , hold your head high, domineer

        asaade_ragnarokm Once again, you miss the whole point. I don't care if he is groveling or ass licking. Also, he didn't behave excessively humbly, all he did was praise those two other characters. Even if he did, so what? How does that justify your rage, insults and abuse?

          Tomoyuki hmmm did i praise someone?? all i did was ask "how about this one" did i say "admin your the best out of all admin" or "admin you are quite weak but the way you improve is the best of all" looks like you have a brain problem you naive child, such a pitiful naive kid

            asaade_ragnarokm I didn't say you praised anyone, though? You call me a child, but it seems from the onset that you have a reading disability. But if we're going to do this, yeah, you cowered behind the admin because of what you perceived was a death threat. Look, it's within the definition you googled!

            And you have not answered my main question at all. Not even once. So what if he flattered the characters? How does that justify your insults and abuse?

            Sorry about that. I'm just angry that this guy is making use of a thread that is trying to stop verbal abuse of authors to justify his insults of authors. It's utterly disgusting.

            To sum it up, this is what happened:
            asaade_ragnarokm: beta and pussy protagonist, goes around licking ass, kissing people's shoes, groveling at their feet. Trashy author!
            LieutenantLoli: are you an idiot? That's not what happened. Go die in a fire.
            asaade_ragnarokm: Reported for sending me death threats. Ha ha, are you scared now, you ass licker?

            And then he complains about the "death threat" in a thread that's telling readers to consider the feelings of authors and not type hurtful remarks. All so he can get someone who called him out on his insults banned. Now I'm not saying the other guy wasn't in the wrong. He certainly was being excessive. But if you just punish Lieutenant Loli while ignoring the main cause (asaade_ragnarokm's insults and abuse of the author), isn't that putting the cart before the horse and pretty much rendering the whole point of this thread meaningless?

            Even the author, Holy Joker, has this to say: "Writing is something that I enjoy and giving bad reviews just by possibly reading two chapters of a 160 chapter story isn't something that you should do." He's clearly hurt by the abusive review. And asaade_ragnarokm responds by insisting that the main character is a "beta pussy." Not expecting an apology from him, but at least stop the insults.

            But I will stop here, and will no longer respond. If necessary, just ban my account and silence me forever.

              a year later
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