same page my passport expired a long tym agoooo :( and right now I wanna quit. Like I lost motivation here.
I'll be 18 this month, so it is super convenient for me
i thought you could also get your parents to help.
yes, I do but she's still not replying until now. I'm losing hope.
I am 18 and I just got published my first novel here
were you invited here? or offered a contract?
bleedingpapers have you even joined the author discord yet? It should be helpful.
MaxwellKHA authors discord? can I get a link please
there is an option on the left column there Discord
there is an option on the left column there Discord
bleedingpapers I was offered a contract
Angeyelaaa nice
HI GUYS! Just wanna update y'all, Sooooo my Book has already been successfully contracted! Just now. LOL I don't wanna leave you guys hanging if you have questions just ask, I'm willing to answer. :)
bleedingpapers congrats, so how is it going? Royalty or EMP?
bleedingpapers I received a system notification and they'll be offering a contract. But I'm still 16 turning 17 this Nov. 3. What ID can I use???
Also I CAN'T apply for a driver's license. My mom will kill me.
If you don’t have a valid ID, you would have to use your parents.
bleedingpapers congratulations
RJMidnight I don't have a passport or driving licence. Can I use my country's people identity card?