i am just poor reader maybe i will open this app after 2 year so the chapter will available for free
3 New Premium Titles Introduced
EroticEarwig Same thing with Patreon.
DaoistFedUp YouTube is losing money every year. They have never made a profit, but instead losses of hundreds of millions a year.
Zhang Xuan : lol, free reader got Face Smack from zhang qidian! This dao truly profound!
Zhang Ye : yeah, this move from qidian truly profound!
Zhang qidian : lol, you two just naive kid! by sealing 7 chapter per week we got many spirit stone!
Sigh. More novel to dropped.
Looks like its time to say goodbye to those novels
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Oxy realizing the difference isn't really hard, you just don't want to understand the difference.
Maybe you understand algebra - time to catch up if you don't wanna pay anymore according to a release rate of 14 chapters per week:
t: time in days to catch up
w: weeks you read premium chapters for
p: patreon advanced chapters (constant)
patreon: t = p/14
complexity: O(1)
qidian: t = 14w/7
complexity: O(w)
O(1) << O(w)
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well , i was really enjoying strongest system , strongest gene , super gene , LOHP and Mr CEO . but i guess i'm dropping them now. i was wondering when SSystem would turn premium after Sgene and Superg turned . qidian doesn't disappoint huh. f this shit . just 2-3 more novels left in my library , they'll turn premium and i'll stop visiting this site altogether . NICE BUSINESS STRATEGY , GREEDY CHINESE CUNTS
Oxy 30 free ss? which world are you living in? its lucky to get more than 25 sometimes , and with so many good novels in premium , you'd need 50+ stones easily daily yo unlock all of them .
Oxy ya sure man , that's why is its still going on . i dont even know where you find these false facts . you do know youtube makes money with ads and its red service right?