Your soundtrack for your Novels
congrats flaffy for getting this thread pinned
Im supreme
zswaleh Sorry, I forgot to tell something. Whilst I was looking through the forums, trying to find FAQs, I found this thread...
Now for the music.
This novel isn't being translated here, it's being translated over on Wuxiaworld...
The Desolate Era!
This music, I feel, fits one place especially well. Saying what exactly the event is would be sort of spoilery, I think, but I will say that (if you're caught up with it) during Book 38, Chapters 40 to 43, Ji Ning has a bittersweet, sad sort of moment and but there's this whole rollercoaster of emotions.
I was listening this one while reading "100 Years of Destruction, First Movement: Divine Punishment," from Superstars of Tomorrow. It was epic!
Flaffy the strongest gene faceslap chapters :
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What Unker Ben recommends for chapter 160 of Superstars of Tomorrow
I think this fits the character introduction for neet receives a dating sim system
for the battle part
It sounds interesting, I'll give a chance.
Thanks to those who take it seriously and to others it is also very fun
My playlist of some of the best Two Steps From Hell pieces of music. Truly amazing, grand stuff.
Perfect for military and political themed novels like I am Supreme, The Human Emperor, Transcending the Nine Heavens etc.
Really evokes a militaristic and inspiring feeling! o7
^ Are amongst my favourites :smirk:
Especially when the MC gives a great speech :smirk:
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Best relaxing music for Shadow hack and other novels. You get into the rhyme and can read for ages, can read up to 5a.m with this type of songs