Been a long time since I used this app, soo here is a bump.

- Mar 12, 2021
- Joined Nov 18, 2017
F U qidian and the ass you ride to work on.
Now how many know what an ass is in that above context=)
The world should just start trade wars with China and teach them a lesson once and for all.
Worthless scumbags of China, they should all be sent to the executioners block.
And do not forget to bump this thread.
It would be fun if mainstream media picked this up, nothing would change, but it would be fun to see their reactions.
So I got the Nintendo switch and I love it.
Those darn Chinese are even more insane then Putin and Trump.
Buying a console, going back to playing games as my way to relax after a long hard day at work.Ceep it up
- Edited
Still no news, I guess it is time to drop this app.
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Will not spend one cent on this app again, unless they significantly lower their prices or bring the monthly subscription back and also start updating my favorite novels.
I know why they are not responding, they are discriminating against us because we are not Chinese =)
Also there is the language and culture barriers...Bump, my favorite novels are not even getting any updates anymore.
And other webnovel companies in China are starting their own apps, time to jump ship and give the a try, one such app is tapread by zongheng.
I wonder what will happen if we all leave...- Edited
Be calm and center yourself, chapters will come in time.
Be patient or learn Chinese and start translating for the rest of us =)Bump and it is a good novel.
Bump, and also the biggest bug in this app is called qidian =)
Never seen such an uninterested company that ignores it's own customer base. Beginning to understand all those who read on the "pirate" sites
A common bug