I beggining to question what the heck happen? To unlock chapter needs 6 to 12 spirit stones and remove the ads option? Is this the way to put us reader to buy spirit stones forcefully ? Example novel . Library of heavens path !!!! Super gene!!! Pls let it back the ads option to unlock chapter... everyday all i can earn free sprit stones is no more lesd 20 to 30 spirit stones.

    Because lohp and super gene are premium novels, dont read premium novel if you couldnt afford it or couldnt wait for couple of days until they become free

      I personally think they should have just put ads on every chapter on the website. Its 15 seconds worth of ads to read one chapter, no one would complain its the same thing YouTube does( youtube puts multiple ads per vid). They just need to monetize every chapter on the website with ads and have spirit stones for premium chaps. Ez pz solution to making more $ (and for non premium chaps you must watch ads for this to work. Stones r just for premium).

        Ohh now I feel sad.

          I think the ads provider of Qidian International is not big and so is unable to provide funds enough to pay the translators. They can move to other adv. provider but it may not provide the functions needed by the website.
          They should just put adv. banner on both sides of the page.

          lazyDaoist wait. is that for real? i dont see any premium chapter unlock after a few days?if yes. please show me which premium novel because i almost delete the premium novel from my fav.

            A_Baby_Seal yea but youtube has billions of users while qi has tens of thousands. Thousands of ads equate to only a few cents I believe so it simply isn't profitable.

              GregLuck That page is not updated.

              For LOHP, Chapters 594 and 595 were unlocked for PFF yesterday and today.


                Why remove ads to unlock chapter ..?

                for profit, obviously
                if ads are offered, then people would watch ads instead of paying for the spirit stones. and quite frankly, it's more profitable if people buy spirit stones

                  well... I don't really know how much spirit stone it costs to buy a chapter but actually on Qidian China, you should pay for every chapter if you want to read it. And there is never any chances by which you can watch an ad to get free chapters. Every chapter costs about 0.03 USD I believe... And as for the King's Avatar, the whole story costs 37.18 USD in total...
                  So actually it's common that we should pay for a novel... And indeed the copyrights belongs to Qidian so it's reasonable that they sell those novels.

                  Face_Smacking_Dao your heavy sarcasm is unappreciated

                  when has customers' opinions been relevant in the grand scheme of things? unless your opinions can give them more profit... otherwise just save them to yourself.

                  also, it doesn't matter if by next year all the novels turn premium because through our connections to reading webnovels i've met some good friends here.
                  so i think the journey is worth it no matter how it ends.

                    Face_Smacking_Dao well by that time , i might learn some chinese language. and read whatever free for me to read. not many can earn the money Dollar to dollar. in my place, even $99cent its worth a good breakfast or lunch in some rural area.

                      Miya no harm done i think. read the novel to release the pressure. not adding the pressure. i dont blame the webnovel. its their nature to at least get the profit for them , author and translator.
                      sharing the feeling of poor bloke. but if it wrong. or you might think its unneeded, just take it easy. everyone have their own opinion, and stating their opinion doesnt do any harm to rich person who actually have money to buy stones every now and then.

                        "wait couple of days until they become free"
                        Are you joking? As far as I can, since the change of policy (no ads) then ALL chapters became premium_only and LOHP, SuperGene, StrongestGene didnt release any chapters for free.
                        Almost 2 weeks and not even 1 chapter for public viewing (although LoHP changed policy later so its barely 1 week)

                          Mara_Sov yeah then wait for a week, dunno about lohp as i already dropped it but for im i left it for a week and it opened already

                          Some people here probably dont realize it, but this MICROPAYMENT policy for every single mini chapter is ridiculously expensive. With the current prize of SS (50$ for 2500SS and thats around 200-250chapters) you get approximately HALF of the paperback book for 40$ !!! That means paying 80$ for one single copy of paperback book!!
                          On Amazon you buy paperback Harry Potter for 10$!! Really ridiculous!!

                          Digital content should be cheaper than paperback, but here it is reversed.

                          imtheonlyone oh yeah, i agree people should be free to write their opinions.
                          what i meant by this: :arrow_down:

                          Miya when has customers' opinions been relevant in the grand scheme of things? unless your opinions can give them more profit... otherwise just save them to yourself.

                          is that i don't know if these "opinions" matter in the end. we can be here to philosophize what we think is best for qi for days, but i don't know if qi will factor in our "opinions" at the end of the day. if what we want plays a role in their decisions...unless it's for the profit
                          i make it sounds like webnovel is some money hungry institution, that's not what i meant. i think it's normal to be in the business for the profit, so i don't blame anyone for strategizing to be richer, to be more successful.

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