Two genres I hate are technically under the romance sub-genre. They are harem and billionaire stories.

Harem because I just don't like how these stories are usually projected. It always ends up with characters being one dimensional and I just feel like a lot of these stories feel... Unnecessary, if you know what I mean?

And billionaire stories just rub me the wrong way. Most of the time, these are just filled to the brim with cliche tropes and unhealthy power dynamic. Yuck. It's not that healthy to read into them. They make both the girl and boy in these stories bland usually...

    5 days later

    yaoyueyi Okay. Thanks for the confirmation. I guess if we want to make polls or something, we could use outside other free site and present those as link here?

      Athena_of_Perez exactly like why cannot i find one romace novel on this website where the male lead is not a goddamn CEO. Like come one can't we have a regular person for once. What so great about CEOs.
      Perhaps because I am a guy and CEOs ae like a female fantasy and thus don't get it, but still man. Like can't there be something new for once!

        Harems and abusive romances are a no-no to me, especially abusive romance. I don't like people romanticizing r*pe. Please no...

        I think I can handle some CEO and mafia romances as long as they're still making sense but I shy away if the male MC is too perfect and flawless.

        Bad and sad ending is also a no-no because I don't need tragedy when I seek for entertainment in story because real life is tragic enough. LOL~ XD

        Also, 'damsel in distress'? I can't stand a female MC who can't do anything but to wait for the male MC to save her.

        ThePotatoKing I think there's still a lot of non-CEO male lead stories out there, just getting swamped by the CEO stories because they're more popular. My male MC is a regular detective while the female MC is an oncologist so none of them have a fancy lifestyle. Since I write one, I believe they're exist but hidden. XD Maybe Webnovel should make a 'Non-Billionaires' category? LOL


        Abbeysensei YESSS! i hate when the mc just curses and they treat it like its cool or something sometimes its funny but not EVERY DAMN SECONDS like seriously some novel have leads where every time they open their mouth curses and foul words come out of their mouth it really is unattractive and annoying
        I wish to hit people who think its cool and sexy

        Swindler yeah I felt that when I read heavenly alchemi master reincarnate something... damn he behaves like 14 y.o. damn he is about million y.o. author should be out of mind...

          I hate the most thing is MC thinks he is face-slapping people around, but no, he just has underdeveloped mind and non-talkative + asocial. social people doesnt need face-slapping while doing jokes around. and face-slapping cannot be done by cursing and showing how powerfull you re. face-slapping done to equal characther of yours, should be done to equal one, little bit difference but generally similar age, similar portfolio, similar interests, and similar iq. if you do face-slapping against an idiot, you should be little be proud! good job.

          author makes me feel urge the burn book... damn dont be lazy to curse people around... Develop a character as a poor man/woman, but dont give a damn like they re really low people. who cares low people? they dont read, they dont develop themselves, they sh!t what they eat. so if you talk about poor, they can be wise as well.. becoming a poor not the way to become egoist, asocial or jeolus of others.. Especially poors generally are very lazy to become egoist or jeolus of riches. but they re absolutely not asocial. many of new books are written by same logic. these authors have to keep develop themselves.

            i hate novels or manga's where out of no where POOF the male lead falls for her ont get me wrong i dont have anything against love at first sight but when he has hated her or didnt care about her for the past 40 CHAPTERS OR SO!!! SOMETIMES 100 CHAPTERS and then he just realizes he likes her and comes with 1000 excuses and how he just found out and the stupid female leads believes him! i just drop it i would have understood if there was chemistry between them but there was literally nothing if that happens i will really drop it i cant ignore mistakes like that
            i also hate when the female lead does not have a single drop of pride or dignity and constantly make excuses for the the shitty male lead that treated her like trash even worse than a dog she constantly gives him chances to the point that i hate her and understand why she is treated that way HELL sometimes i wish he treats her worse SHE DESERVES IT.

            i also hate it when the author is ignorant and does not differentiate between an employee and an entrepreneur for example when they describe the mc they say 'She was hired at the biggest company in the country.
            She worked and promoted as the CEO.' An employee is not the same as the CEO seriously if i was an entrepreneur and built my company from zero and then someone just assumes that he got employed and Suddenly became a ceo i would laugh at the ignorance but i could continue to read it if i found it was somewhat believable i am not saying it has to be 100% true and accurate but at least try to make it believable
            Another thing i hate is when the female lead is really talented and has many positive attributes i dont care if she has some secret plot for face slapping and revenge but i honestly find it annoying if it took too long or there isnt any reasonable reason i get annoyed and i feel that there is no difference from me reading a stupid mc and reading a smart OP mc but pretends to be stupid and useless i will just say goodbye to the book but i understand that some people like it that way

            Abbeysensei Yeah overusing swears makes it difficult to read. It's also lazy for an author to using swearing non-stop to fill in the gaps. Unless over swearing is used as a character trait, it becomes annoying for the viewer, but there are also other ways you can show a character's personality.

            Harems become unreasonable and unrealistic, sometimes romance novels are bad it depends, novels about sex are most of the times offensive, most too perfect mc novels are bad and often leads to no character development and growth, out of the gate strength, too many cheats leads to bad fights that could've been interesting and adding details of how it want but end up boring, to many plot holes in novels.

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