Hello! I'm ploov. I work primarily as a horror and weird fiction writer. I'm not too selective about what I read, so you can send me about anything. But horror is my namesake. I'll do my best to give you a clear, perspicuous review if I turn out to like your stuff.

I don't get to write a whole lot; there's not a enough time in the day, but I do have one piece for review.

Title: The Seeker
Genre: Gothic Horror

    I Review swap back!
    Tittle- Our Hidden story(updated once a day tell finished)


    Synopsis-Older generations love telling the story about how The whole land of the fairy kingdom pulsed with Pure unimaginable power. King Sealia was rumored to be the greatest king to ever rule the entire fairy realm.

    We have old scrolls and statues of what is assumed to be his Queen Ora. The old scrolls record of a great marriage between to kingdoms that eventually caused a war.
    Queen Ora had a difficult time becoming pregnant. The old scrolls say she went and visited a old wizard.He was able to bless her womb and shortly after she fell pregnant.

    With out King Sealias knowledge she bargained off a piece of the realm to the wizard. For him to claim as his own territory in exchange for a blessing on her womb. She granted him the very jungle she found him in and deemed the jungle "Royal property"

    Soon after the King demanded they try for a son and the joy soon turned into desperation for the Queen.
    The old scrolls do not say what the Queen gave in return for the second blessing but it became obvious she had help from some where.
    A strong cry came from the new born prince when Ora gave birth to him.

    That morning after the King awoke to his queen missing and his young daughter. The queen only managed to stay hidden for a few years. Sealia demanded answers.
    Queen Ora remained silent. Ultimately he sentenced her with treason.
    No one was really expected the King to execute his wife.

    Ora's family wanted revenge and felt humiliated. So her family waged a war with Sealia.
    Ora's mother Ether took over the royal crown and sent out the message that Sealia was slain in a raid.

    The war created a threatening rift in the realm. Ether Sent anyone that helped against her during the war to parts of the realm where it snowed all year long.
    Queen Ether was the first to out law certain spells and death curses. Causing a even bigger stir.
    In between the good and evil lays a enchanted jungle. Myth says is still protected by Queen Ora's magic.


      I finished your review and now I realized I review the wrong story you wanted to be reviewed. My bad 😅

        123removed I'll definitely get that back to you. Sorry if it's a little slow, I like to take my time. ALSO time differences suck and are super annoying. Do you know, when it's tenpm here, on the website it appears as 6 am crying in a corner

          _AiRen_ Thanks, I'll get back to you soon with the review. I already like the title, it sounds really interesting.

            Jo_J thanks for the review.
            Done reviewing yours, great story

            Hello. Anyone who reviews my novel I'll immediately review yours!

            Title: Conqueror of the Seven Empires

            Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/conqueror-of-the-seven-empires_15300390206901605

            Tag: War and MIiliratry, Army Building, Supernatural, Monster hunting/taming.

            Chapters: 76- on going


            "World Greatest Modern War" the world that was in peace for decades was now on a brink of horror by the monsters defiling the lands with their terrifying strength and numbers. Mike who is a young trouble maker got caught up in a kidnap before the war happens as he was sunken deep into the ocean never to see again.

            (Die? A peaceful death? Like hell, I would let that happen!)

            Struggle... Struggle...

            With fate that shackles binding him pulling him into the deepest part of the ocean, he who struggles with the resolved to go on the surface of the world once again.

            The thing he did not know is that the world is now on the brink of horror as the world changed drastically.


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