Hi Guys! I'm in kinda of a rut right now and I NEED ideas! Please if you have any for my books or new books, just comment down below! Thanks guys. :)
No ideas
Umm what is your book about? This is a very vague request...
Reedsy plot generate is good for ideas: https://blog.reedsy.com/plot-generator/
Shadowfang My problem is about the same. I have millions of ideas, and they are already well developed. I can write in english fluently. But fck narrations yehey
- Edited
Ehhh... I have so many ideas, but don't have free time to write... English is not my mother tongue (I am using three), but I try to write in English... so everything is in our heads. "Sky is the limit!" as pilots say...
shadowdrake27 Oh my book that I need help with is called A Warrior Within. If you have any ideas that'd be great if you could help!
pleonasm I usually scroll on Pinterest to search for new Idea. Another good way is to listen to song that related closely with the character you are writing. It worksost of the time for me.
Carciphones_02 search for writing prompt or writing tips, world building, etc etc
I meant for you to post something here. For example, “my book is a ____ genre book and I need help with ideas about ___.” To be honest, I’m probably not going to look up your book, read the whole thing, figure out what you are stuck on, then make a post about how to help you. I’m lazy as well.
shadowdrake27 Lol! No i understand that!
shadowdrake27 but thank you <3