Sigh....some readers forgot that Authors are humans too...they need money to buy foods to eat, pay electric bills, pay internet, pay monthly that they can continue writing your favorite stories...yet readers keeps using Fast Pass to many stories...and when Author's drop the novels that only earns cents per months....readers get's upset and angry...Where the hell can the poor Author finds the motivation to continue writing the novels everyday? when the story are not generating real money because readers uses Fast Pass and reads in pirates site?
Sad to say... some people are willing to buy cosmetics and other materials things to finance their addictions...yet when it comes to reading stories they want free! All free!
Here's the basic things...
Farmers produce rice and crops to sell so that they can continue living and producing more rice to the masses.
Fast food restaurants continue producing your favorite fried chicken, cheese burgers and delicious dishes in exchange of money.
People work in government, offices and others to earn money to sustain their living condition.
Everything works for money to earn a living.
The car won't start unless you buy a gasoline to fuel it. Am I right?
But when it comes to the Authors...people are not willing much to pay real cash for the Authors hard work and go to pirate site and when the story stops updating...they are complaining...upset and sad! Go figure!