CoolForniteplayer but I dont do review swaps since im not an author? I just read their books and give reviews.. is it against this certain rule?
Free review for books
KristineElias You're completely fine! Don't worry.
CoolForniteplayer This thread does not violate any rules.
oh sorry
KristineElias You may try this one! It's a fantasy-action books <---- brand new, just started it for the Christmas competition, very different style of writing than I'm used to, other than first person. One collection, maybe? Lol <--- long, don't worry about reading the whole thing just a few chapters to get the gist of the story, maybe 6 or 7? I have about sixty collections on it.
Gentle criticism is welcome :)
It will worth your time, have a good read!
It will worth your time, have a good read!
It will worth your time, have a good read!
I just uploaded hihi. Thank you.
Please review mine as well
KristineElias thank you so much for your kind review :) :) :)
So no review for me... Thank you then...
HI.. I want your review please.
CoolForniteplayer THANKS to you now she stopped reviewing the books.
- Edited
Here's mine Thanks! Sea of the Forsaken
Maybe you would like to try my book. I dare not hope. I hope to entertain you and make you cry. Here's a link...
Please check out mine.
Can you please review mine. Thanks sooo much in advance.
Critism accepted_
I hope that you would like it.
Criticism is accepted. Hope you enjoy mine.
Pls give an honest review if its garbage just give a bad review and tell why so I can make things better
Il read it now
Here's my book. I want to know what people think about it but it's low on reviews. Please help me out and let me know your honest opinion..
This is mine. It's really only got one review so if you tell me what you think about it, that'd be a huge help.
I am participating in the Underdog Protagonist contest going on and this is my entry! Please review and enjoy!
I was under Christmas theme competition.
The link of my book is
Sasheena_Lewis I am 24x7 ready
- Edited
Review swaps are not allowed outside of December 2020: Review Swap Here
If you do not want the moderator to suspend your account from the forum, I advise you to delete these and keep review swaps where they are supposed to be.
KristineElias hai...