ElleDoves sure will surely review back

Chaitzzz sure i'll review

ssfx3yuchens_ i'll review swap

kakigori i'll surely review

DJ_Wells59 surely read and review

sir_impeccable surely read and review

rRandom surely read and review

Tripbleed surely read and review

Crimson_B surely read and review

To all the above author, hello!

I especially love to read and enjoy different works and in turn get inspired whilst writing mine. I'll surely review, read, comment (paragraph comments included) or might vote them plus read atleast 7-8 chapters before posting a review which won't be less than 4 stars, I generally always give 5 stars because that is what every author need hehe 😆


    Umm, well first of all... I started reading through your stories, in search of a mistake I could point out, but I gave up halfway and just started enjoying your book.

    You can give my book a read if you like. I won't mind if you just write something mindless on it. Mine turned out to be something similar, anyway.

      Who would like to review swap with me here is my link :
      and If someone rates the book at 3-4 stars, I sincerely believe that there was an issue with the book. After all, I can’t notice everything wrong, so I will check to see if there can be any improvements. Additionally, I hope that people who give 3-4 stars will specify what problems they see.

      And if you don't mines go in my profile and click on the heart icon i'm gladly to do yours too here is the link to my profile to click on the heart icon
      click here to drop a like on my profile

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