vinthakadha I'll leave one by tomorrow
February 2021: Review Swap Here
d_elfe Hello, I am not able to see your review or your chapter comments on any of my book. Could you please check again?
A collection swap means you add my book to your library and I will add yours to mine.
Hello, I've left a review please take a look at mine if you get the chance. Only 8 chapters so far so it should be a short read.
In terms of a helpful review instead of the nice one I give.
you need to focus on your world a bit more. It's nice knowing what the MC is thinking but I feel the rest of the world is sort of haphazardly rushed together for the sake of having a setting instead of influencing the MC in a meaningful way.
Here I leave you my novel, it is in process, I hope for advice to improve in writing and editing.
my novel is in Spanish.éroe_19244013805774105
Hace mucho tiempo, en el reino de Northumbria surgió un gran enemigo que aterrorizaba a todo el mundo, hasta que un héroe surgió de la nada, exterminándolo y dejando que la paz reinara durante mucho tiempo. Después de eso no se supo nada más de este héroe. Algunos dicen que fue enviado por los dioses, otros dicen que vino de las oraciones del pueblo.
Luego, con el paso de los años, la paz se desbordó, por lo que el odio que existía desde el surgimiento de la humanidad reavivó la llama del caos, y el mal resurgió de nuevo en diferentes partes del mundo.
Así comienza el viaje y el despertar de nuevos héroes para combatir el mal que resurgió.
Synopsis in english.
Long ago, in the kingdom of Northumbria a great enemy arose and terrorized everyone, until a hero emerged from nowhere, exterminating him and letting peace reign for a long time. Nothing more was heard of this hero after that. Some say he was sent by the gods, others say he came from the people's prayers.
Then, as the years went by, peace overflowed, consequently the hatred that existed since the emergence of humanity rekindled the flame of chaos, and evil resurfaced again in different parts of the world.
This is how the journey and awakening of new heroes begins in order to fight the evil that resurfaced.
ILLYAchan Hi do you wanna review swap?
DarkseidEquation Thank you. I've already reviewed yours.
Care for a review swap?
Care for a review swap?
Here's the link to my book
send me the link to urs urs
Yeah ...! Cool
Here's the link to my book
Send me the link to yours.
Care for a review swap?
Care for a review swap?
- Edited
Ana_musings Ok. So either I mixed up something, either I really need a brain replacement. Can you give me your link again ?
Edit: ok, so I messed up bad, and confused your work with another I ready yesterday evening ! Thank you for letting me know. Forgive me ?
I'm on it now :)
Care for a review swap?
Care for a review swap?
- Edited
dyaaran98 Thank you! Can you link me yours?