Ana_musings Ok. So either I mixed up something, either I really need a brain replacement. Can you give me your link again ?
Edit: ok, so I messed up bad, and confused your work with another I ready yesterday evening ! Thank you for letting me know. Forgive me ?
I'm on it now :)

    d_elfe I cannot begin to fathom how the hell you read and review so fast. Will I be forgiven if I don't match your pace?

      Ah, I was told I read pretty fast. Professional quirk. Take your time, there are a lot of words in my books as well. You're in my library now so I'll be able to check for updates and follow you.



        I will read the novel as soon as I can..

        I have a very important exam soon...


        I need to concentrate more on my books..



        I will read the novel as soon as I can

        I have a very important exam soon...


        I need to concentrate more on my studies


          I will read the novel and leave a review as soon as I can...

          I have a very important exam soon


          I need to concentrate more on my studies.

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