I really want my novels, or at least one of them, to have a title page/cover. I can't draw, I don't know anyone who does, and I wouldn't be able to pay you. You could get your art out there though.
Please please please let an artist respond to this.
ILLUSTRATOR WANTED for my novels cover page
- Edited
The last thing any artist wants is to design a book cover for free for "exposure." :)
If you want people's labor, you'll have to pay for it. Find an artist who takes commissions and pay them. If you're looking for amateur work that doesn't cost a lot, head on to Fiverr for some options.
That, or make your own.
It's quick and easy to make a cover at Canva. If you don't like what they have available there you can search for royalty free graphics. I've made all my own cover art using Canva.
I am an artist ? I don't really draw on electrinical devices either. Mainly canvas's though. I recommend using adobe spark. It's free and you can create your own book cover using their images. That's what I have done for my own novels. It's super cool!!! Totally recommend checking it out.
I'm an illustrator that could give you a fast-generated high-quality illustrations. Visit me at fiverr https://www.fiverr.com/share/xqBer1 or. discuss it with me at my discord Arkalphaze#2258