TailsOfHope sure go right ahead, I'll try to read yours a bit later
Here's my link:
March 2021: Review Swap Here
AmateurAuthor Review Swap?
CodeW Done
Martin_T3 I checked out yours, it is amazing Please update soon
here's my link https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-eye-of-zeus_18697276606796905
Adwaid_Nambiar done! expecting yours soon
TailsOfHope Okay I'll swap reviews
star_dreamer I'm interested, here's mine https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-eye-of-zeus_18697276606796905
TailsOfHope Sure, buddy! I would love to have a review swap with you. ;) But, I will have to read and review yours over the weekend. I am tied up with my main job this week.
AmateurAuthor So am I - haha. Work comes first. But looking forward to it :)
Kronos661 I’m done
Craig_Beckham I had a look at your story. It's really good. I dropped a review in hopes you can check out mine for a swap :)
xiaohai_23 Yeah. Here is the link for my book: https://www.webnovel.com/book/a-possessive-mafia-leader_19322680206146505
I will read and review yours by afternoon.
TailsOfHope Thanks for waiting! I have completed your review, too!
For anyone who's interested in reviewing, here's my link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/detective-w's-mysteries_18500920105921105
Katzenliebe Can't wait :D
Katzenliebe Can't wait :D
henlo henlooo! :3
review and comment swap anyone? :D i'll try to be as comprehensive as possible if you can also do the same :3 hehe thankyou!
here's my book https://www.webnovel.com/book/earth's-doom-starts-with...-me_19006657805910805
mozza_mello I would like to swap here is my book
Whannmarie aightyy! :3 me will read yours now heheheh thankyou! <3