It's really not ideal that there is a specific genre that the fast passes are only used dissatisfied and disappointing..
New fast passes
It's very disappointing.
Jeanna_Tiong The most annoying thing about this is we can't even tell which fast pass we have and how much! Like there is only one fast pass notification symbol and it says I have four fast pass but not what type.
SusshiRoll I'll have to try it then. I hope I don't end up with a virus though
Ellora25 you can see what FP you have when you click the number on profile page. sadlythe new genre passes alternate comic and novel, making them even more useless.
I hate the new fps! I always get some stupid random genre I don't like.
I only use this app because no other app has the comic I'm currently reading. Webnovel you need to fix yourself asap!
I'm not fond of the new genre fp either. Managed to use them so far but I have to search for the novels/comics I have that fit it.
They are giving genre fast pass for those books which I'll never read.
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Astral_Ascent please show us your way
Ellora25 there is a way to find out what type
Just click on the fast pass icon you will be put in the bill area then click/tap the fast pass symbol and there you go you can see what novels/comics you dont read you have a fast pass for
There is a way to see what kind of FP is but if you look it quickly, you will just see you have 4 FP yet cannot use them at all. Not to mention all the genre FP I got are the genres I’m not interested in. Instead of giving us these bullsh** FPs, just give us a function to delete these FPs so that I won’t be confused anymore. Moreover, the weekly bonus (where you log in daily and get the extra bonus on Sunday) changed from FP to EXP!!! IS THIS YOUR OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT TO BECOMING A PAID APP NU!? I will be deleting my account sooner or later at this rate.
-end of RANT-
Genre and single-work passes are annoying. Please don't give them and give option to delete sooner. I'd rather get xp or something. Speaking of which, level rewards need some work to make xp more desirable.
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Ellora25 you can find out what type you have by going to your profile page and click on your fps/fast passes and then click on the arrow that is next to the thing that says the amount of fps you have ( it's like on a green panel.) It will categorise the fps you have to a certain genre and all-works fps. It will say what genre or novel/ comic it can unlock. I'm sorry if you don't understand. I'm horrible at explaining things.
Oh boy, I can hear the music of so many butts cracking... What, did you guys thought that webnovel will keep offering you free stuff in the same way forever? Then let me ask you this question one time - who do you think you are to be entitled to free reading? Who do you think you are to ask for stuff that takes other hours of work to complete? Or maybe I didn't know, but actually you guys are isekai reincarnators that travel the world to save children, write novels that become bestsellers despite being published completely for free and decided to live off sunlight alone because you gave everything that you own away to those that wanted it? Unless any of the above is not the case, you only have right to what I said before - to create a beautiful tune of your butts cracking when the reality dawns upon your greedy and entitled souls.
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MotivatedSloth Ha, why are you blaming all of us in one go? If you want to blame on those who support pirate sites, go on but don’t you dare say any bullshxx on others. For me, I used to be premium member and spent coins here till the covid starts (when the pandamic strikes, I don’t get any incomes so I became f2p). But lemme tell you, even when I paid, I couldn’t read much (before, it was better, you pay to read a WHOLE book, now you pay every chapters). All I read was only 3. And with Haven Online discontinued, and another one I lost interest, I only have National High School Prince is a Girl to unlock. Even then it has about 1700+ chapters. Before I became f2p, I have already unlocked almost half of it and it was only because of combined FP and coins. Now with no coins, all I can do is unlock 3 chapters slowly and steadily. And MIND YOU, I HAVE ALREADY READ IT TO THE END IN RAW. Just because I read better in English and because I want to support the author and translator, I am unlocking it. I am not even reading it, just unlocking the chapters for my collection. Now with this stunt of WN, how long do you think I have to wait until I get the complete book? If you say I’m being butthuxx, sure just let me be the one being butthuxx. I will just go read the raws then. It is not like I can only read the novels here. I paid for them when I have money, so what is wrong with me being f2p when I can’t, and us ranting when it gets harder? Whether you like it or not, WN is indeed becoming more and more of a paid app and a highly paid one at that. The cost we pay for several chapters here can support another legal website for a whole novel, and some official translators only ask for kofi too. If we had to pay a whole month of membership for a whole book (only one novel), I’d accept that happily. But this is not the case. So why is it wrong for us to rant when even membership here is too expensive and not worth it at all? And I saw you blaming everyone on every posts about FP, and if I don’t know better, I would have even thought that you are someone working at WN.
ShiraJung Ha, why are you blaming all of us in one go? If you want to blame on those who support pirate sites, go on but don’t you dare say any bullshxx on others.
True that, I just got used to how the great majority of users on this forum don't pay a single shred of fuq about anything but their own wishes and situation. My bad here, never intended for the words above to be directed at normal users who are happy with the freebie they receive.
ShiraJung Now with this stunt of WN, how long do you think I have to wait until I get the complete book?
I'm omitting the above as I can't really reply to it that much. But I won't praise you either. Just like I won't praise someone who goes to the shop, buys the stuff he wants and pays for it before leaving. Yet, the sentence above seems to be problematic:
- How long do you need to wait to read song of fire and ice? How long do you need to wait to read witcher? For free I mean. Eternity.
The fact that you receive something for free for an extended period of time doesn't make you entitled to keep receiving it. Saying that it would take you a long time to read something for free and using it as an argument against the changes is wrong in the first place as its free reading that is a uncommon phenomenon.
In my opinion, you twist the situation a bit (not trying to blame you for it, that's just how human mind works). You are not entitled to read anything for free. Because someone had to write the novel you are reading, someone had to edit it, translate, edit the translation, host it, publish it... All those people likes to eat and drink, something they can't do with money. The only reason free reading exist is because WN used it as a means of promotion and growing tool (in my opinion that is).
It's something you are gifted, not some kind of renumeration that you are privy to.
ShiraJung It is not like I can only read the novels here.
It is. No novel available on WN (and premium, outside of those on the new non-exclusive contracts, but that only for originals though) is legally published anywhere else (unless its done by WN). In terms of raws, I assume you also need to pay for them, unless you read them on pirate site.
So yeah, while not all novels in the world are on WN, but all novels on WN are only accessible (with legal and moral means) in here.
ShiraJung Whether you like it or not, WN is indeed becoming more and more of a paid app and a highly paid one at that.
Why should I dislike it? Do you know how it feels when something I work long hours to write and publish, something that I spent majority of the time I have in the last nearly two years, something that I hoped to support myself with, is read by the people using pirate sites or abusing the system to keep reading for free?
Once again, WN is not a charity, its a business. Authors that write contracted novels are not doing it to brighten your day, but because they earn from it. Entertainment has its price.
ShiraJung The cost we pay for several chapters here can support another legal website for a whole novel, and some official translators only ask for kofi too.
On WN, you pay per wordcount. It was already calculated over and over and over again so I won't bother doing it again. As for reading entire novel on another website... You do realise that this novel is likely to be 1/10 if not 1/100 in terms of lengths?
As for the "legal translators" I wonder how many of them actually do have a licence to translate the stuff and profit from it. I remember when there was uproar about WN snatching solo leveling. As it turned out, those who started the fires didn't realise that the translators that used to translate it were doing it illegally, and WN just bought the license for it. But welp, even if there are some people that pay insane fees to obtain the licence and they can support themselves (and pay back the licence costs) with ko-fi alone... then good for them! It would be great if every novel could be like this!
Sadly, it can't.
ShiraJung If we had to pay a whole month of membership for a whole book (only one novel), I’d accept that happily. But this is not the case.
I know that binge-reading is currently a problem, and I created a huge thread where I hoped to come up with some ways that would work both for the readers, but also for the authors and webnovel. Ranting about it has absolutely no point. But look at this from the author's perspective - if they wrote 2k chapters long novel, and someone juts comes, throws 10$ (for example) for a membership to binge the entire thing, do you realise how little people would earn? And why would someone who already read the novel, ever bother to pay for it again?
This kind of system when you can read the entire thing won't work because it CAN'T WORK for webnovels.
ShiraJung So why is it wrong for us to rant when even membership here is too expensive and not worth it at all?
Membership here is just a way to obtain more coins at cheaper price as long as you actively claim them. Thats all, but its still worth the price if you can use up all the coins obtained.
And the thing that is wrong about rant like the one in this post is that people falsely thing that WN owes them anything, that they deserve fastpassess, more free reading, free bitches and villas and iphone3102931284. They do not have any real way to claim them, so they turn emotional. Just like you don't own the stuff you don't buy, anyone who receives something for free can at most be grateful for it. Ranting about the free stuff only makes the community of the actual authors hate the free readers even more than they already do. Try to imagine working hard on something for YEARS, only to have some kid come and demand you give it to them for free. Not a nice feeling, isn't it?
ShiraJung And I saw you blaming everyone on every posts about FP, and if I don’t know better, I would have even thought that you are someone working at WN.
I do not work for Webnovel, I'm just a contracted author. Of several novels. Two of which ended prematurely when their earnings were not enough to warrant me spare so much time on them. All the while pirate sites thrived on the ad revenue they poached by stealing my novels for themselves.
Two novels that I planned to bring to at least 1k chapters ended before breaking through 300 and 200 chapters respectively.
That's why it irks me when people have the guts to act all high and mighty, when for the most part (some free readers I fully respect, like someone who binged my entire novel main novel, only reading 3 chapters a day with FP) they not only bring nothing to the website or the authors, but only spread the awareness of the pirate sites and the ways to abuse the system, only to go on the rant like the one above in the next moment, DEMANDING wn to give them more stuff for free.
- If any part of this reply appears to be insulting or personally attacking you, sorry in advance. I'm kinda in a hurry since I gotta go write my chapters, but I didn't want to leave this relatively reasonable post unsanswered.
Sloth is indeed work with WN and share profit. I mean, he is one of their contracted author.
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MotivatedSloth well, since you apologize (What I mean is that you apologized for blaming everyone instead of that selective dramatic ones), I will accept it. I’m also sorry that your fans didn’t support you much (no sarcasm intended) and made your novels end shorter than you wanted. But I do feel very angry about the payment system. Not that I’m saying everything should be free, I meant it to be a little cheaper. You said 10$ for a whole novel is too little. I also feel that 80$ for a novel is too expensive too. i am just hoping there would be a middle ground between them. Or else, if it’s too expensive, readers won’t pay for it (and go to pirate sites) and writers suffer from it, it is a hopeless cycle. The only ones that benefits would be the pirate sites. I’ve seen how many people said to turn to them too and I also know these sites (just never gone there). Sure, WN is not a charity, it’s a business, but if the business is too expensive, we would have no choice but to leave (yeah, it would not matter at all whether we leave or not) but I just don’t want us to go to pirate sites at all. You said we are not entitled for anything for free but I feel like just 3 FP everyday won’t do much even for us (like NHPG which is 1700+ chapters, 3 chapters is nothing). And I even liked the idea that premium members can access to newest chapters too. I am not hoping everything for free, I just want a little sample for everyday life. About us ranting, well, would even WN listen or care if we rant or not? Do they ever change just because we rage? No. And we have nowhere to vent. Thus, we rant in forums. We are not insulting to authors (I was also offered to write here by 2 scouts, both of whom I decline, so I know how it feels to write something and valued by others) we are just letting our steams off. After sometime, those who would leave would leave and those who were angry would be done with their anger, and WN would function like it wants to again.
and this is me also explaining why I rant to you since you also chose to explain your pov to me too. I am also in a hurry because not only we have pandamic, we also have military coup here, we get shot everyday and the phone internet is permanently cut off and the wifi cut off for 9hours everyday and all. After replying this, I won’t be available anymore since it will be cut off. So goodbye. Thanks for taking the time to explain and sorry if I also offended you (not my intention)
Ellora25 you don't. Wuxiaworld is as credible as Webnovel or Qidian.