Man! Why the latest posts are filled with ads? Btw I do agree with you! Writing sexual chapters can be a tedious task. But, the problem is most of the writers create those scenes for fun; to add erotica. It'll be great if such scenes are created in a more beautiful way.
Sex In Novels: Helpful Opinions
Okay I'll present a scenario : A man of 30 turned to a boy of 13.
Don't poke my guts out for this but what if, just what if that man/boy had sex with a lady of FBI approved legal age.
Would it be appropriate or heavily frowned upon.
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JF_Fanai that would still be considered child pornography to Webnovel. For sex scenes, it must be stated somewhere that the participants are 18 at the minimum. Otherwise it’s a violation of Webnovel rules. Even if he’s mentally older, his body would still need to be 18 or older in the book for there to be a sex scene. I hope this helped.
Sara_Wilcox In short just keep the age 18 no matter body or soul. Right?
Shubhangi_Kene exactly.
Shubhangi_Kene In short... that poor guy is going to have to wait 5 freaking years without sex. Do you really want to do that to your favourite character ? And have him go through puberty again ? Poor man.
d_elfe Well, it might just keep readers waiting and anticipating too. Might be good to, you know in some novels the leads get it on to early that it seems surreal.
Shubhangi_Kene I was just joking :) But this set aside, it all depends on how you treat the subject, and manage to write it. You can use humour or drama, as long as your writing is good, it can work. Good luck and all the best !
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Thank you for sharing your knowledge!
- Edited
Thank you for this thread Sara. You're awesome
I write good romance scenes, but sex scenes have just been one torturous bit to delve into for me (please don't ask why) So I admit, I've avoided writing actual sex scenes for the most part.
The problem though is most of my romance/ makeout scenes are real sweet, emotional and passionate, so now my readers are craving or expecting awesome sex scenes!
I don't know how long I thought I could dodge it. Trust me it's necessary in my story. I might just be burned at the stake for not including sex scenes, or worse, my readers could desert the story.
I honestly get frustrated when I read a good romance book and naturally expect some sex at least at some point, but the author just drags me on and on with nothing. I don't want to do that to my readers, so thank you so much for raising this topic.
I'm learning a lot from this thread. I'm so grateful for that
dvces happy to help
- Edited
Dee_author no problem dear The link I posted at the top is my go-to whenever I’m having issues finding the right words. It has other links at the bottom connecting you to other helpful sections of the blog pertaining to movement descriptions, body part descriptions, and other stuff. And you can DM me on Discord if you’re having issues
Sweet as always
Thank you! It helps!
Google pays 390$ reliably. My last paycheck was $55000 working 10 hours out of consistently on the web. My increasingly youthful kinfolk mate has been averaging 20k all through continuous months and he works around 24 hours reliably. I can't trust how direct it was once I attempted it out. This is my essential concern...:) For more info visit any tab on this site Thanks a lot GOOD LUCK...........
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