Hello! I'm writing a new novel that has a very unique and original storyline. It is adventure: they are on a journey to save the world. It is romance: there is love triangles and deciding duty over romance. There is action: tons of fighting scenes. Please try it out to see if it's what you're looking for.
Something catastrophic shook the world and Xiu'er was reincarnated down into the mortal realm as a result. Set in wuxia China, she began a human journey in hoping one day she will fulfill what she was born to do.
Xiu'er appeared to be a simple beggar with her older brother Xilang, and her monkey, A'Li. When she met with Kun Shang, an ordinary Palace bodyguard who told her of his three missions, she immediately realized that her carefree life had come to an end.
On a journey to save the world, there are secrets Xiu'er have at the cost of everyone's lives. How will she work together with Kun Shang and not let her personal emotions get in the way? How will she bear the consequences when her secrets can no longer be kept? And how many lives can she save before she start to lose her loved ones, one by one?
Prepare to entwine yourself into this long and heavy plot that slowly unravels before your eyes with each twists and turn of events.